My Message To Hikaru….

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%1$ Comments520

    todays lesson " its just a matter of time"


    Levy, when this happens, you should insert YOUR NAME in place of Hikaru, and then describe how YOU defeated the young kid and FIDE Master . . . TWICE in a row! – j q t –

    I love the fact that he said “ but I’m still gonna steal the content “ 😂😂😂😂😂

    Amazing content! Still waiting for your TCEC Season 22 coverage

    Please do recaps of global chess league, if possible.
    Magnus is also playing.

    Having a little Messi in chess is certainly exciting, I hope he lives up to the expectations, and beyond.
    Love from Argentina 🇦🇷, Levy.
    Keep up the great content, the clickbaity titles and thumbnails, and the sarcasm.

    Hikaru is such a legend of chess, why is he also such a bitch lol

    Who else got how I tricked Hikaru as the title?

    Levy is the Best Chess Youtuber. The way you explain the games are so much more ellaborate. I would rather subscribe to Levy instead of hikaru speaking out random numbers in his videos.

    this stare today seems rather emotional and alot of things to unpack. 8/10

    When he posted this video the first time the video was not properly edited and Gotham could be seen staring at the computer for a while after doing his outro😂

    Is Hikaru insecure?? He's already nr 2 in the world!!
    Is Hikaru overcompetitive?! Com'on, dude. There's enough room for two cool YouTubers. Chill.

    18:53 ( maybe it was a mouse slip)… king's indian attack from levy ☠


    Levy is one of the most YouTubers of all time and would never pre-record a sponsored segment

    All the titles so far
    Hilario vs Levi beef
    My msg to Hilary…
    How I tricked Hialeah

    This guy has to stop with these clickbait titles, no one on this entire website is as thirsty for clicks as this man jesus christ

    0:43 Levy looks like he's caught with his hand in the cookie jar but instead of being shameful he's trying so hard not to laugh 😂😂

    Hello King of Chess Tube! Watching you from 🇦🇷. You are welcome in the muchachos team. Kind regards.

    Aguante Faustino, aguante Argentina! Saludos Levy, te esperamos por Buenos Aires

    Hearing Levy call Hikaru the second best chess player in the world was kinda satisfying ngl

    Levy really went back in time for that ad read

    why is Gotham constantly in this dude's mind lmfao. rent free baby

    Naw Jamal be watching YouTube short as full grown adult

    I’m watching from Buenos Aires, Argentina! Love the channel, great video

    the sponsor video that was recorded before he cut his hair

    Levi, how much more do you need to be paid to avoid a mid-video ad?

    Make videos series on the Global Chess League too levy!

    😂 love you dude ❤️, you always making me laugh 😂

    Tremendo futuro tiene Fausti, un grande! Saludos desde la tierra del "Qué mirás? Bobo"

    My problem is im 587 at my level i could get 800 if i play enough but when my opponent plays attacking moves im not good with defense

    Bro rlly said no beef cuz he was a vegetarian for 6 months

    Levy probably just went “look over there” and turned the board around

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