My Problem With Hikaru Nakamura

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%1$ Comments798

    WOW showing old good game but not bad game.

    Zlatan Ibrahimovic is better than you says:

    how old is alex in her pic with susan polgar?

    Alexandra Botez vs Hikaru in chess boxing. I'd pay to see that.

    Alexandra Botez vs Hikaru in chess boxing. I'd pay to see that.

    I think he means in future 🥺🥺, but plzz prove him wrong

    Hikaru gotta be the most annoying personality in the chess community

    Great video! You should do more content like this, explaining favorite games you played with the background story.

    I'll bet that game was fun to watch. Lots of guts under pressure.

    hahahaha Don;t worry Alex your talent is natural and thats why they are jealous about keep doing what you are doing

    didnt she just miss checkmate in 1 with Qh8 after her opponent offered a queen trade? Am I missing something?

    "people of that sort"…. Fact or not, there are things people shouldn't say. I am also a fan of Hikaru but his lack of respect on people not equal or above to his level concerns me. Dude takes takes takes takes takes takes then takes all the ego.

    Hikaru has always been a garbage person. All this stuff about popularising chess among lower rated players etc. has always been a ruse. It's always been about money and his huge ego of becoming as a hugely popular streamer and THE face of chess. He's always despised lower rated players, and by lower rated I mean people in the low 2000s – imagine the contempt he must hold for his Twitch audience, where I'd guess the average elo is in lower 1000s or so.

    Hikaru has a long history of being petty, narcissistic and all round horrible. He's been that way for decades.
    This is actually tame by his standards.

    5:16 – Couldn't she move the queen to g8 or h8 and get a checkmate?

    Must have been very unpleasant, a lot of people now play chess because of you and Gautham chess and it make there lives a little better and opens up sections of the mind which were never challenged before, Hikaru is gifted but still has a lot to learn, thankyou for challenging that part of his brain.

    He obviously is just jalous 😀
    Great video from a french suscriber

    Hikaru is just salty he'll never be as good as Magnus.

    This game was cool, I find breaking these positions without ending up worse than before incredibly hard. Good job Alex

    It's not just your problem with Hikauru, it's every one in chess. People should just freeze him out and never increase his engagement anymore.

    His personality is the reason he’s awesome 🎉. He only spoke the truth lol 😅😮.

    They re never gonna win, not they never won 🤣🤷‍♂️

    Botez sisters and Anna are good at chess, but considering their parents along side modern resources they are unexpectedly weak. I would love someone to explain the gulf between where they are and where they should be.

    Hikaru just speaks his mind. No reason to be offended by it. Top players in chess treat it like a serious job and if Alex isn't wanting it that bad then he is correct it won't happen. If she decides she wants to spend her entire day studying and playing chess then she can go to the top. I think his observation was more that this doesn't seem to be her motivation.

    6:30 why not check mate with Queen in G8 or H8, sorry Im a noob, but I cant see why to change the queens instead of a checkmate. Some help please?

    I would pay 10k only to see a tournament with top chess players including Hikaru, where at the end of the tournament everyone wins first place except hikaru, only to see his reaction 😂

    He may be good but his content and personality are boring af 🤷‍♂️

    "I was a wee little 16 year old" So when was that, like two days ago?

    But you guys are bigger influencers in the chess world. A lot of inspired young people find chess interesting because of Botez and Gothamchess. I think this is more important than winning a competition, you win our hearts❣️

    Well, he was not talking about winning cookies. But, on the bright side, I would never win anything in chess either.

    Hikaru is an incredible chess player. He proves this time and time again.

    He is also an insecure narcissist. This too he proves time and time again.

    hikaru is a brilliant player with very entertaining chess but i find him unbearable to watch on account of his pettiness lol

    There is only one player who will never win anything when it comes to chess, and his name is Martin. And he is not even a real player…

    It’s called chess streamer of year and not chess player of the year for a reason…

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