Nepomniachtchi-Ding World Chess Championship Match 2023 || Game 12

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Photos by Stev Bonhage, David Llada and Lenart Ootes
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Ding, Liren (2788) – Nepomniachtchi, Ian (2795) 1-0
Nepomniachtchi-Ding World Chess Championship ( [12] 2023.04.26
D04 Queen’s pawn game

1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 d5 3.e3 c5 4.Nbd2 cxd4 5.exd4 Qc7 6.c3 Bd7 7.Bd3 Nc6 8.O-O Bg4 9.Re1 e6 10.Nf1 Bd6 11.Bg5 O-O 12.Bxf6 gxf6 13.Ng3 f5 14.h3 Bxf3 15.Qxf3 Ne7 16.Nh5 Kh8 17.g4 Rg8 18.Kh1 Ng6 19.Bc2 Nh4 20.Qe3 Rg6 21.Rg1 f4 22.Qd3 Qe7 23.Rae1 Qg5 24.c4 dxc4 25.Qc3 b5 26.a4 b4 27.Qxc4 Rag8 28.Qc6 Bb8 29.Qb7 Rh6 30.Be4 Rf8 31.Qxb4 Qd8 32.Qc3 Ng6 33.Bg2 Qh4 34.Re2 f5 35.Rxe6 Rxh5 36.gxh5 Qxh5 37.d5+ Kg8 38.d6

00:00 Hello Everyone!
00:45 Nice Photo!
02:15 Completely New Game!
18:30 Pause the Video!
20:00 It Was in This Position!
23:30 Contributions!
23:50 JuSt ShOw MoVeS!!

The 2023 FIDE World Chess Championship is a 14-game match taking place in the St. Regis Astana Hotel in Astana, Kazakhstan on April 9-30 between Ian Nepomniachtchi and Ding Liren, who finished 1st and 2nd in the 2022 Candidates Tournament. Reigning World Champion Magnus Carlsen has chosen not to defend his title. The first player to reach 7.5 points wins, while a 7:7 tie will be decided by a playoff. The prize fund is €2 million, split 60:40, or 55:45 if it goes to a playoff. No draw offers are allowed until after move 40.

Each player has 120 minutes for 40 moves, then 60 minutes for the next 20, then 15 minutes to the end of the game, with a 30-second increment starting only from move 61. A playoff will consist of four 25-minute games, with a 10-second increment from move 1. If still tied, up to two pairs of 5+3 games will be played. If tied again, single 3+2 games are played, with colours reversed each game, until one player wins.

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%1$ Comments347

    That game just felt like running face first into a wall. Super exciting game and to end just like that?! Wow… Wow.

    I'm rooting for Ding. But even more I like that it is an even match.

    Ian nepo unfortunately will always be remembered as greatest world chess championship games blunderer.

    No one will match his level.

    That's the punishment you get for thinking that you're Hikaru or Magnus playing a bullet game😂. I can't believe that this is a wcc match😅. They are blundering like beginners

    At 14:47, if black plays Nf3, white plays Ng8, then Ng1, Re8, Nh3, Rb8 +-. If Ne1, Re1, Kg8, Re8 followed by Rb8 +-.

    Dimash is the last person I expected to make the first move, wow

    I really wanted Ding to bounce back but not in this way, feel so bad fo nepo.

    I can't believe he went into a wild variation with a 1 point lead in a world championship match with 3 games to go

    Saw it live . The eval bar was fluctuating like crazy

    There is a way for Magnus to play! Let the winnder go against Magnus for the Title!

    We need to start appreciating the sentence "suffer from severe material lose"

    Cheers 🥂 to Ding liked that he played the Collie it is pronounced like the dog

    one who made a spectacular double exclamation mark move, is the one who also made the greatest blunder in a game of world chess championship, what a balance…

    I don't mind a WCC that is decided in Tie-breaks when the matches have been back and forth. Its less fun when it has been a bunch of drawn games in classic time-format

    Oh man. He always has these brain farts!! Bummer the game was super exciting

    the most dangerous moment is when you think you've won, but it's not over yet.

    Glad that ding didn't fell for Jedi mind tricks this time.

    Why for such a talented world talented player 1:22 does Nepo self destruct so much? Against Carlson we saw so much self destruction. If you Sir can explain this I truly would like to understand. TYVM.

    Why doesn't Ian use the Russian flag at the table?

    Nepo had a lot of brain farts in the championship with Magnus as well.

    Ive seen the live commentary and thats why I understood the game and how good/bad moves were. If I hadnt, I wouldnt get much from this recap. Sorry agad I have been following for a very long time, but seems like this is recap is very low effort. You did not point out all the inaccuracies, mistakes and blunders. I get it you were excited to show the game, but as a content creator you need to make sure that you preserve the quality of the content. Especially in such an important and relevant game

    This WCC has proved that classical chess is not dead because deep depth computer evaluations are not really important for humans playing highly complicated positions.

    Agad on Nepo: "The World will know real Pain"

    When ding captured pawn with rook some chess bots were referring it a blunder by ding 😂😂😂

    I still believe that nepo is dealing with blunders from the past and want to clean his name from the last wcc, all that is breaking his concentration.

    Imagine a pawn to b5 getting a (!!) Brilliancy lmao, im so jealous
    Imagine having a brilliancy AND a earth shattering blunder in the same game lol
    hey, at least its an exciting world championship! i want Overtime !

    When u show lines that could have been played but the player did other move then u waste our time and is not ok. if u show lines that starts from a move that player did then its a different story.
    at 7:09 its is the end of a line that was not posible beacause Nepo moved the rook not the knight… avoid this kind of drifts..

    I mean I am happy for ding and actually want him to win this championship but man! that blunder was just sad life for Nepo….. I truly feel for him

    Worst blunder might be exaggerating. Fischer's bishop is still required learning for every novice.

    Don't miss Hikaru's recap of this game. He was a little less impressed of this game.

    Its alright Ian was just too intimidated by the Big ManDingo

    "It is incredible that Ian is leading by a full point"

    There's no half points in match play
    You start even and if you win you're ahead a full point, if you draw you're still even

    "this game stopped being about material a long time ago"

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