Nepomniachtchi-Ding World Chess Championship Match 2023 || Game 4


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Photos by David Llada and Lenart Ootes
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Ding, Liren (2788) – Nepomniachtchi, Ian (2795)
Nepomniachtchi-Ding World Chess Championship ( [4] 2023.04.13
A28 English, four knights, Romanishin variation

1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 e5 3.Nf3 Nc6 4.e3 Bb4 5.Qc2 Bxc3 6.bxc3 d6 7.e4 O-O 8.Be2 Nh5 9.d4 Nf4 10.Bxf4 exf4 11.O-O Qf6 12.Rfe1 Re8 13.Bd3 Bg4 14.Nd2 Na5 15.c5 dxc5 16.e5 Qh6 17.d5 Rad8 18.c4 b6 19.h3 Bh5 20.Be4 Re7 21.Qc3 Rde8 22.Bf3 Nb7 23.Re2 f6 24.e6 Nd6 25.Rae1 Nf5 26.Bxh5 Qxh5 27.Re4 Qh6 28.Qf3 Nd4 29.Rxd4 cxd4 30.Nb3 g5 31.Nxd4 Qg6 32.g4 fxg3 e.p. 33.fxg3 h5 34.Nf5 Rh7 35.Qe4 Kh8 36.e7 Qf7 37.d6 cxd6 38.Nxd6 Qg8 39.Nxe8 Qxe8 40.Qe6 Kg7 41.Rf1 Rh6 42.Rd1 f5 43.Qe5+ Kf7 44.Qxf5+ Rf6 45.Qh7+ Ke6 46.Qg7 Rg6 47.Qf8

00:00 Hello Everyone!
00:35 Nice Photo!
13:15 Completely New Game!
17:38 Game Ends!
20:00 Contributions!

The 2023 FIDE World Chess Championship is a 14-game match taking place in the St. Regis Astana Hotel in Astana, Kazakhstan on April 9-30 between Ian Nepomniachtchi and Ding Liren, who finished 1st and 2nd in the 2022 Candidates Tournament. Reigning World Champion Magnus Carlsen has chosen not to defend his title. The first player to reach 7.5 points wins, while a 7:7 tie will be decided by a playoff. The prize fund is €2 million, split 60:40, or 55:45 if it goes to a playoff. No draw offers are allowed until after move 40.

Each player has 120 minutes for 40 moves, then 60 minutes for the next 20, then 15 minutes to the end of the game, with a 30-second increment starting only from move 61. A playoff will consist of four 25-minute games, with a 10-second increment from move 1. If still tied, up to two pairs of 5+3 games will be played. If tied again, single 3+2 games are played, with colours reversed each game, until one player wins.

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%1$ Comments475

    19:00 wait every engine says somthing different ???
    Which engine is the best ???

    Ding's patience is the perfect foil to Ian's impulsive temperament.

    Rook sacrifice in two games with 2/4 being decisive.
    Amazing tournament…

    Those pawns in the centre seemed invincible through the game.

    Best moment of the day. We thank you Antonio.

    11:25 what you call "a beautiful square for the Knight" is actually the game deciding blunder.

    Glad we are seeing more opening variety this championship. All of the ruy lopez games last year were interesting but come on let's see these two go wild!

    This is what I like about Nepo and New WCship. Both Players are willing to take risks and willing to play interesting matches.

    I don’t have a favorite in this match, but one thing I really like is that they are playing “for the ki**l not as in a previous, recent match which as very boring because the players were happy with a draw

    I almost fell out of my chair when I saw Nd4. I'm a casual player and very much a beginner, only 1700 blitz on Lichess, and I immediately saw that rook takes d4 was winning for white

    I watched they're game, but I didn't catch the end…they we're both attacking each other, in the middle of the game…very quick, anyway great game of both of them!

    Nepo's gonna be the next Champ.. And Magnus will Comeback like Jordan to take the GOAT Title

    Also you forgot to mention that Nepo became nervous and started playing faster before eventually blundering

    Ding has evolved from “Ding Chilling” to “Ding winning”

    So there won't be a new world champion after this tournament. The GOAT remains the GOAT.

    Only 4 games in and both players already have an excellent rook sacrifice to win. Awesome WCC so far. Props to Magnus for stepping back and allowing these 2 great, evenly matched players to put on an exciting and evenly matched show!

    Ding showed that when he is focused he is definitely the better chess player among these two, the way he played today was incredible and worth to watch the match

    Magnus sitting this out has given us a great championship: it's a Ding-dong battle instead of 5 draws in a row.

    I can see why Ding, friendship aside, chose Rapport for his second. If you are playing Nepo, you need someone who thinks and plays like him to prepare to play Nepo. Some creative play.

    Question: I can't find an opening table on it but why 7. e4 rather than just going 7. d4 right away? Is 7. …e4 an effective counter?

    Magnus not defending his title was the best thing for the WCC from an entertainment point of view.

    Ding play somewhat karpov style , clasical positional style.

    What's that Witcher merchandise in the back?

    Did Nepo not realise he'd lost 6 moves before he resigned? No class? No respect?

    I do have to say that the BxC3 move was much more interesting than the H3 move from game two. Props to Ding and Rapport for taking some chances after losing last time with white. why is that pointless? Seems like you can take the black bishop with your last rook and a check, then check again with the white bishop then knight to e4 fork then take the queen? What am I missing

    Watching Nd4 land was so shocking in a game that looked like another draw. It was incredible to see live.

    12:15 Good analysis. Just as Nepo had the chance to try to go up 2:0 disaster struck.
    Once again, the old problem of superficiality strikes Nepo.

    It'll have made sense if the game started with pawn to b4

    Ding is king 😂. He is so sincere, honest, and humble. A great ambassador for the game!

    That quote by Ding makes me like him even more 😂 Nepo fighting for the WCC but also the Hipster’s choice award.

    Next time we need Agad to be there make the first move B4.

    What a lovely instructive game. Closed position. N is stronger than an R!

    Why would you always say that ding AND RAPORT prepare moves. like as Ding is not able to take responsibility

    Every chess player has a team hasent he? So why wouldn't we say that Nepo and his team prepared this and that move?

    You are overextending the variations until the point u get lost for the current game. And this is something new, lately in your games. I dont like it but ofc its your channel, just sharing my thoughts.

    The most spectacular wins i have seen by ding in recent times is by him finding a way to get passed pawns…very dangerous once he gets his pawns going

    A bit disappointed to see Nepo miss this with so much time in the clock. Could have been played to a tie.

    Continually mentioning Richard rapport is demeaning Ding's own abilities…i have never heard a second being mentioned that many times. Ding is more than capable in his own right. can do better! #suggestion

    The rook captures on d4 was an absolute brute move. It made me spring at a right angle from a perfectly laid back position. Great game. ❤❤

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