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%1$ Comments560

    "Nyodjirbekh". You're terrible at pronouncing names, bro.

    As much as classical chess is "unwatchable" – at least tuning in from time to time and watching your reviews was damn fun – this even had some bangers – but sadly as always a ton of draws…
    thats why Rapid and Blitz are just "better" for chess – as you said before how do you market these 4h long book based draws?
    Regardless very sad for Fabiano that he lost his cool at the most key moment – gz for the content machine Hikaru – and Magnus well its not that he played some bad chess, but the magic and forcing moves werent there; and as I said before it feels like people also take less risks in their games vs him and are happy with the Draw (1 point) and while he wins all the Armageddons thats just 0.5 points in this format.
    It just feels as if classical chess is just broken – but hey I am no expert on anything so idk – but from an "outsiders" perspektive it just looks done.
    maybe someone more knowledgeable can tell me something else or so?

    Really disappointed Hikaru didn't get his fried liver

    Shaving your balls seems pretty dodgy to me

    I'll buy the brand just to see you model with em Levy

    Levy, thanks for this in-depth analysis done in fun and witticism. The fact I get this type of quality entertainment from across the ocean (Philippines) for FREE courtesy of your hard work is phenomenal. Let that sink in when you're having your doubts and anxiety, brother. YOU are making my day better, your fellow New Yorker, thousands of miles away. Multiply that by a couple of MILLIONS…yeah, you're doing something right. Saw your comment on Youtube's #2 chess channel earlier, by the way. You also doing a 5K soon?

    I don’t understand why people don’t finish the videos they are MINT

    I really hate clicking on these garbage thumbnails.

    Always stay for dessert when Gotham is cooking!

    I’m full tonight from the dessert definitely underrated

    I think Magnus didnt play for the world champion tittle again because he felt he has peaked.

    I'mma need those 10 million subs right now

    Levy instantly hits ten million subs what a coincidence

    What happened in the Armageddon games tho? I don’t watch the tournament so idk if they played Armageddon at the final rounf

    *creating 7 million new accounts to see Levy model underwear

    I’m still here after minute 25 and getting fat after this dessert 🍨

    Norway chess this year was dominated by American players with Fabiano and Hikaru at the top.

    The sports world will never be the same…we are loosing stars and legends every day… without them it will never be the same.

    The rise of Hikaru. I thought he had lost it for sure after that last game.

    Crazy how hikaru doesn’t even consider himself a professional chess player yet just keeps winning tournaments. His skill is just on another level

    Superb casting and analysis. Overdramatic at times, but just he right touch! They should hire you for caster! 😅

    How does Hikaru stream so much and get better at the same time. All the other popular streamers are either stagnating or getting worse.

    Thank you Gotham love the educational content, and don't even think bout we are always watching till the end ❤️

    3:21 I don’t know if Hikaru knew, but he could’ve gone for the fried liver right there

    Edit: holy shit he actually did it lmaoooo I was just messing around

    he's not the king of anything, you giant dweeb. he just won a few bucks in a tourney

    Hikaru will be next world champion, check it out

    Hikaru is a gigachad.😂 he was more focused on the confessionals versus his actual games, even spent time reviewing other games during his own matches. He literally doesn't care. Irony that he one game he played well was the last one that actually mattered.😂

    No! Magnus couldn't complete the side quest!

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