Ohio Chess Finals

Clash of two chess grandmasters in Ohio.

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%1$ Comments299

    White you forgot to unleash your intercontinental missile into his king while he was in the car

    And now they incorporate pendulum and synchro summoning, Jesus Christ chess is getting so complicated

    I'm surprised he went for the ladle play instead of the spatula he might have taken the win if he had done that

    Обречённый на мысли says:

    That was pretty epic. Though strange that white didn't use batman. It's quite a powerful piece, you know.

    Why’s white the one using Batman summon isn’t he supposed to be dark knight?

    White used an illegal move, you can't summon batman unless both of blacks knights are off the board

    Block battles have been quiet when this match dropped

    In ohioan chess we could also use trench warfare, very useful tactic, trust me.

    Guys do you know how this works or is it some kind of joke?

    I always do frog gambit, it’s one of the best openings.

    Robber1 (GM) (2769) vs. Robber2 (GM) (3420)

    1. Fd5 d4 (entering the Frog's Gambit, named after Juan Frog; EVAL at +0.1)
    2. eg5 b4 (Frog's Gambit: Pawn Rush Variation, sideline with b5; this is considered an inaccuracy, EVAL at +0.8)
    3. gxg4 Ngxg5 (this knight move is known as a backwards tempo, reverting the last move by the opponent and landing the knight on an excellent outpost; for white, taking that pawn and allowing the backwards tempo was a mistake, blundering a pawn; EVAL at -1.3)
    4. Raa8^ Bfxd5 (this move creates a double rook, which can capture pieces of either color and be used by both players. This, however, blunders a bishop-frog exchange; EVAL at -2.0)
    5. Nbxd5 h5/d (black rolls a die to move their pawn. This passed pawn could become a great asset in the endgame; EVAL at -2.1)
    6. Rh8,g7,h8=🦇xh5 exb7&c7 (while the batman promotion of the three pieces gains one point of material, two are immediately lost to a slingshot of the E pawn; the slingshot is, however, a missed win, as white's queen was targetable; EVAL at -3.2)
    7. EP=a4(BP) g7&h7xa4 (black wins a free pawn from an En Passante duel outside of the board, but it is immediately captured by the batman summon's batmobile special move. This, however, allows black a killer move that wins tons of material; EVAL at -18.0)
    8. Kxd8 🙂 (black finds the correct move and, thanks to losing the duel, now gets a second consecutive move, allowing black to capture white's queen for free; white has little to do but offer an all-or-nothing of pull-out game; EVAL at -20.0)
    9. AON(spoon,fork;ladle,pan;bag,abacus;gladiator,paper;slipper,hanger;frog,pokeball;gun(??, -M1),reversecard=gun#) 0-1
    Robber2 has come out victorious once again with a cold and calculated win with black (extremely difficult to achieve at such a high level), and will retain their title as Ohio Chess Champion until 2069, when the next tournament will be held in the Marianas Trench.

    No white should’ve played Intercontinental Ballastic Missile Sicilian Caro-Kann Queen King London Bongcloud Dutch English Grob Twin turbo V8 Missile Scholars Cards Dice MOVE MOVE MOVE Defense Gambit Opening

    I love the fact that half the video is just them putting random objects on a table

    I thought White was going to use bulletproof vest but damn, good game

    Using Bosnian Ape Society's tennison gambit ICBM weapon is better.

    If white just had a just say no card he could've won

    Not real. Handshake was normal and not a slight touch of finger tips.

    White forgot to anoint Batman as King 🤦

    Ngl, this was pretty intense. The Batman summon allmost got him. Hard decision holding onto that reverse card, high risk high reward right there.

    King's revenge was a blunder (??) since it may put the king in danger from upcoming attack by 3×3 rubik's cube

    It shouldve gone to the Tennison Gambit: ICBM Variation: Nuclear Variation: Tiger Position: Nuked Tactic: Black Uno Reverse Cards Variation

    like no one at all

    Minecraft Block battles:

    Black shouldve used the "Intercontinental Ballistic Missle Gambit: Nuclear Bomb Variation" for the openings, ICBM Gambit is used by many masters in Ohio because it has alot of tricks in the backburner despite moving any piece, for instance, ICBM Gambit is E4, E5, KG4, En Passat, to counter it, Is the Nuclear bomb variation, if king tries to escape or anything tries to defend, Use Gun + Slingshot combo to win the game.

    In order for white to win he would have to has UNO reverse blue because it has the most strength while 2 reds equal yellow green is the weakest and he need a Miami middle 2014 to make him resign because it can /delete all I o cards

    black clearly had the upper hand here, white had a lot of good ideas but failed in execution.

    Main line in the frog gambit is to play king e3 after double trouble, going for an early king trade with a positional advantage. After e4, white played mind control on a1, which blunders an AC-130 strike on c8 winning the queen (which black didn't see).

    Mind control goes unutilized for the rest of the game, white could use it to plant the bomb in bombsite B and buy a cup of coffee next round

    After oh no by white, Black had a mate in 1024 after queen to ğ4, but going for kings revenge was an acceptable alternative line

    They look like a normal people who enter your house without permission and permanently borrow valuable stuff withoht your permission

    I win to my Worst enemy with this tactic, ¿How do you learn new tactics?

    Doing the pawn's secret move 3x is just true ohio with 1 move

    As a fellow Ohio villager, I can guarantee this is how most of my games go, but I haven't been able to touch a chess board since I lost my chess license to Captain America

    The move you should make in your next chess Ohio video should be setting up 3 or something Dominos to knock down a peice and kill it

    SPOILER: The UNO Reverse card wouldn’t have worked on the hard and black realistic but not real gun.

    Ohio Chess is by far my most favourite chess variant.

    White using a gun was a mistake. In order to win he needed to launch the RT-2PM2 Topol-M cold launched three stage solid propellant silo based intercontenental ballistic missile to win the game.

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