One Mistake Is All it Takes! || Praggnanandhaa vs Berkes || Fide World Cup (2023)

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Photos by Lennart Ootes

Praggnanandhaa R (2690) – Berkes, Ferenc (2615)
FIDE World Cup ( [39] 2023.08.13
C02 French, advance, Paulsen attack

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.c3 Nc6 5.Nf3 Qb6 6.a3 Bd7 7.b4 cxd4 8.cxd4 Rc8 9.Bb2 Nge7 10.Nc3 Na5 11.Bd3 Nc4 12.Bc1 a5 13.O-O axb4 14.Rb1 Qa7 15.axb4 b5 16.h4 Qb6 17.Re1 h6 18.Re2 Bc6 19.Ra2 Bb7 20.Ra5 Bc6 21.Qe2 g6 22.Rba1 Nf5 23.Ra6 Qd8 24.g4 Nxh4 25.Nxh4 Qxh4 26.Bxc4 bxc4 27.Rxc6 Rxc6 28.Ra8+ Kd7 29.Qf3 f5 30.b5 Rc8 31.Nxd5 Qxg4+ 32.Qxg4 fxg4 33.Nb6+ Kc7 34.Nxc8 Kb7 35.Ra6 Kxc8 36.Rxe6 Kb7 37.Rxg6 c3 38.Rc6 Bb4 39.Bxh6 Rd8 40.Rc4 Ba5 41.e6 Kb6 42.e7 Re8 43.Bg5 Kxb5 44.Rc5+ Kb6 45.Rd5 Bb4 46.Rd8 Rxe7 47.Bxe7 Bxe7 48.Rc8 g3 49.Rxc3

00:00 Hello Everyone!

The Chess World Cup 2023 is a 206-player single-elimination chess tournament that will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan, from 30 July to 24 August 2023.[1] It will be the 10th edition of the Chess World Cup. The top three finishers in the tournament will qualify for the 2024 Candidates Tournament.[2][3]

The tournament will be held in parallel with the Women’s Chess World Cup 2023.

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%1$ Comments143

    Vidit Nepo game please! Fast. Can't wait.

    #suggestion Vidit vs Nepo, the first 25 minute tiebreak today. It was only a new game after some 26 moves.

    Phenomenal, I can see Fisher and Kasparov combined in Praggu, awesome.


    Fide women's World Cup 

    Aleksandra Goryachkina Vs Harika dronavali 

    Today's game no.2 from the tie breaks .!

    Wow! Great Job Prrag. Beating Nakamura! Wow. I learned chess in Jail officially in 2007 Araphoe County, Colorado USA. I am now 46, I was 30 then. As a child chess was beyond me my Game was Memory. And Elephants never forget. Taught chess in Jail by Bryan Ball and Shey Weldon Smith. Would you like to know Jesus Christ? If you know his story believe it and say "Jesus is Lord" and you are saved. The Gospel of John is a good place to start. Father God of Israel thank you for chess in Jesus' Mighty Name Amen. Also for the setting apart of those called by the Father God of Israel for Faith in Jesus Christ and for the Sanctifiying ( setting apart )Work of The Holy Spirit. In Jesus ' Beutiful Name Amen. Great job again Prag!!

    ….~not that easy to see why, unless you see it! Then it's very easy.~ 🤣
    I always tried to play chess like so, but for me it didn't work out that well….😎

    Y'all don't understand how much pragg out calculated his opponent. What a incredible win!

    Rooting for praggnanandhaa in the candidates

    This game perfectly illustrates the difference between a very good player and a great one.

    His name Praggnanandha literally meant " Delight to the intellectual ", Aptly named, I guess.

    From now on the black knight shall be referred to as the dark knight.

    @9:44 instead of Bb4, Black could try c2 threatening to take the pawn on e7. What is White's response then?

    David Foster Wallace quote- great writer, prefer his essays to fiction, but regardless it’s cool to see a quote from him

    Hell yes Agad love the Highlander quote!!!

    Caption mentioning Prag as Pregnant 😂😂

    While most of the players from India seem to have a positional style, Pragg is the one that can base his play on whatever the position calls for. Tactical or positional. He seems to handle dynamic tactical positions better than any of them and I think that's why I see him having the biggest upside as compared to the other really good players. Even if he doesn't make the candidates this tournament, you can tell that it's not that far off a feat for him to potentially obtain. He's probably the one player from India that has a style closer to Anand's than any of them.

    Me: "Good move there."
    Agadmator: "Of course you do not want to do that as it will lead to checkmate in 39 moves."
    Me: "oh yeah. Bad move…"

    Can't believe how much sacrifices pragg has gave in this tournament!

    11:38 What?! Don’t know why but the way he said it made me laugh a good bit. 🤣

    prag has become such a scary player
    this is one of his greatest games yet
    all these deep tactics that he just sees way before his opponent

    Gukesh D is actually younger and higher ranked than Pragg but the latter gets more attention I think because Pragg looks like he's 11 whereas Gukesh has a full beard

    After …Nxa5 bxa5 Qxa5 Nxb5 Nc6 Nd6+ Bxd6, doesn't Rxb7 win a piece for White? 5:15

    hi my friend agdmator, what rating are you? 2500?

    Gukesh facing the finals boss early lol

    Agad says you'll see where Prag ends up putting his rook. And I'm thinking, lemme guess…his opponents back rank? And sure enough. I mean, Pragg's opponents REALLY need to do their homework on him and accept the fact that you CAN NOT let this guy infiltrate your back rank under any circumstance.

    Pragg makes engine moves. Pragg makes moves and I shake my head and look confused. 8:06 What would you play after Rc8? Would you find Nd5?

    Pragg has some steely nerves to let the black queen in the side door with the pawn sacrifice. I shuddered.

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