One Mistake Is All it Takes! || Praggnanandhaa vs Berkes || Fide World Cup (2023)

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Photos by Lennart Ootes

Praggnanandhaa R (2690) – Berkes, Ferenc (2615)
FIDE World Cup ( [39] 2023.08.13
C02 French, advance, Paulsen attack

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.c3 Nc6 5.Nf3 Qb6 6.a3 Bd7 7.b4 cxd4 8.cxd4 Rc8 9.Bb2 Nge7 10.Nc3 Na5 11.Bd3 Nc4 12.Bc1 a5 13.O-O axb4 14.Rb1 Qa7 15.axb4 b5 16.h4 Qb6 17.Re1 h6 18.Re2 Bc6 19.Ra2 Bb7 20.Ra5 Bc6 21.Qe2 g6 22.Rba1 Nf5 23.Ra6 Qd8 24.g4 Nxh4 25.Nxh4 Qxh4 26.Bxc4 bxc4 27.Rxc6 Rxc6 28.Ra8+ Kd7 29.Qf3 f5 30.b5 Rc8 31.Nxd5 Qxg4+ 32.Qxg4 fxg4 33.Nb6+ Kc7 34.Nxc8 Kb7 35.Ra6 Kxc8 36.Rxe6 Kb7 37.Rxg6 c3 38.Rc6 Bb4 39.Bxh6 Rd8 40.Rc4 Ba5 41.e6 Kb6 42.e7 Re8 43.Bg5 Kxb5 44.Rc5+ Kb6 45.Rd5 Bb4 46.Rd8 Rxe7 47.Bxe7 Bxe7 48.Rc8 g3 49.Rxc3

00:00 Hello Everyone!

The Chess World Cup 2023 is a 206-player single-elimination chess tournament that will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan, from 30 July to 24 August 2023.[1] It will be the 10th edition of the Chess World Cup. The top three finishers in the tournament will qualify for the 2024 Candidates Tournament.[2][3]

The tournament will be held in parallel with the Women’s Chess World Cup 2023.

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%1$ Comments143

    Ushenina, Anna Vs Muzychuk, Anna.. nice game, please check it

    God damn those endgame traps with the bishop these guys are soooo good!

    The subtitles show pregnant instead if praghnanda

    I'm reading infinite jest right now. it's pretty good

    Pragu has a devious mind. How does one calculate that deep spontaneously over the board?

    Pragg the terrible
    Is it Pragg or Ragu?
    Oh silly me
    Is it Preggo or Ragu

    English subtitle at 0:08 "Hikaru Nakamura pregnant now" XDDD

    Two men enter, one man leaves!
    There can be only one FIDE winner!
    Will it be Pragg?

    I thought the caption would be "Second night at the Opera"
    Rook sacrificed twice,knight sacrifice, definitely an awesome performance

    Praggnanandhaa stole my chess clock in Prague Open 2009.

    Watching games by Pragg are kind of anti-inspiring. He makes me want to quit playing chess and just watch people who see it clearly in their heads.

    Good to see Pragg living up to the hype I hope he does well in the tournament Gukesh as well I haven’t heard much about Fabiano isn’t he still in I’ll have to look it up Thanks Agadmator Great Game by Pragg very aggressive moves I guess he saw an opening and went for it it worked out Great for him Well Done 🇮🇳 😊♟️

    Is Pragg going for some sort of record on most sacrifices played at this tournament? Game after game he delivers with some incredible tactical lines. His chess has been an absolute delight to watch this event.

    It looks like that picture of Berkes was taken about move 47 or so.

    Wow, what an extremely high quality game by Pragg 🔥

    | always root for Pragg, he's a real genius and such a nice kid I think he's Carlsen's succesor.

    Prag nailed it. That pawn sacrifice was too cool.

    Agadmator ,can you make a video about GM Aleksandar Matanovic , who passed away few days ago. He was very strong Yugoslavian and Serbian GM. He had some nice games ,hope you can make one video in his honour.


    Pragg is not great due to his rating rise or his great play and results in this tournament….he is great becasue he plays B4 early

    A quote by the great writer David Foster Wallace – nice! 👍😊

    Is it going to be India, or China, which takes over from the historical Russian domination? At the moment it looks like India.

    Gukesh: Hits top ten and number 1 Indian player.

    Prag: So I took that personally/So anyways I started blastin'

    Such an impressive game. He was down about 3 points of material, yet completely winning.

    I've been a fan of Pragg's for many years now. What a ride it's been and what a happy life. He never lets us fans down. Yes, he's human and he sometimes makes mistakes (just like all of us), but he keeps delivering one incredible surprise after the other. I don't think there's any other player like him.

    This french setup was so weird… I've even uploaded the game and checked the database now… not really popular at the very top level. Kinda explains why. Deep in my bones it felt wrong, to give all that space for white while crowding your own pieces. Obviously I would never take advantage of those things, but I am not surprised this young brilliant mind of Prag's outplayed that so hard.

    What do you know about the Highlander Agad?😅👍

    Looking at the faulty PGN I was like…wtf, Bd4 check, then Bc5…and the c pawn is threatening promotion…what's the rush with resigning.

    Pragg is like an Unstoppable storm who is peaceful while coming and destructive while going.

    I saw the game the moves were stockfish level from prag. These were not studied lines it felt like watching another Magnus. While magnus moves feel like a deep understanding of positional play, Prags moves felt like deep calculation. Whats remarkable in this game is like there is one narrow complicated winning line and every other step is losing for prag, so every move has to be correct in the entire sequences.

    Happy to see 4 Indian in the Quaterfinal
    One out of 4 Indian will be victorious definitely in the finals 🎉
    Jai hind🇮🇳

    If you told me that the combination in the middle game was by an old master, I will have believed it. It's just beautiful. It's a candidate for the beauty price.

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