One Night in Bangkok (CHESS) Murray Head
Tema del Musical “CHESS” original de los miembros y compositores de ABBA, Benny Andersson & Björn Ulvaeus en conjunción con Tim Rice
Tema del Musical “CHESS” original de los miembros y compositores de ABBA, Benny Andersson & Björn Ulvaeus en conjunción con Tim Rice
Cornovirus victim's Please get better, 😊❤👍👍👊FIGHT.U CAN PULL THRU."
I think we all know what is like to be one night in Bangkok if not ask Phil,Alan and Stu
One night in bangkok and youll get coronavirus
Get sunshine above waistline! 😂 cerebral fitness 😂 📚
"Strong Sad…. don't have to worry about Strong Sad."
Ban on human trafficking, !!! Stop them out
I get my kicks with minds collective 🙌💯😏
Very nice comeback in teenagers era…
10 years ago this song was still 20 years ahead of its time!
Mon ami toujours le bienvenu ici au QUÉBEC!
😎"Whaduh ya mean?…."
Always get your kicks above the wasteline….
Bars, temple's and massage parlors.
-Shady 80's forever-👏
Does this qualify as rap?
Whoop whoop 😄💪💪💖💘
Magnus Carlson should walk out to this for his next tournament
Ya bars, ya temples………YA MASSAGE PAHLISSSSSS
Amazing music
as a child i always imagined a 'back to the future' Doc talking into a radio as the voice….
They used to play this in all the discos in Germany early 80's,,,,
When MTV was awesome
Love this song
This is extremely cool always ❤ it
A hard man can be humbled in Bangkok.
This awesome song came out beginning of my Sophomore year in high school 1984. We had never heard anything like it.😊😊😊
I remember you .and the fish is a whole black cod fish.
Desenganche amoroso me entrego al hospital salvador con la cuidadora infrecuente incongruente inusual indebido destino quedarse solo intransigente
Los 80 y los 90, por favor que vuelvan otra vez, que vuelvan otra VEZ
🤣🤣🤣Oh,das ist jetzt aber so Episch!Controlle!
Nanao arai mi novia te amo quiero superar mis decepciones quiero tener mi novia cambie por libros de mama romper el problema quiero pertenecerte con amor y recuperar tus besos glorioso con la polola
Um épico dos anos 80 😍🕺🏽💃🏽🕺🏽💃🏽🕺🏽💃🏽
One night in Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Yuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit make a hard man humble
Inexcluyente solo me van a molestar con una polola inapropiado injusto peligro sin romances ganan las intrusas y las inglesas sin patrimonio de sensaciion decepcionado indebido romance sin los compromisos de dinastia
I went to Bangkok in 1988 from London. It was an experience I'll never forget. It's not a good one, I must say, but I'll go back again to see if it changed for better. 😮😅
My late husband were invited to see the filming of this video in Bangkok 🤯
Absolutely love the 80s,60s,70s and 80s best ever.Look at it now,music today is totall rubbish and fked up, sorry for swearing.
Elle trop bien
Total culture shock
Great 80’s Song 🎉
2024 🎉
Nagyon jó uticel!! Lahet menni nyaralni .kirandulni!!
Was für ein Opener. Orientalisch und Klassig. Das hat den Song echt aufgewertet. Der Song ist eingängig. Mehr auch nicht.
This has got to be around 83.
Thailand rock
The only thing better than the film "The Hangover" Part 2 was when this song played in it!
Moda 2024 y siempre