Oppenheimer vs Einstein: CHESS MATCH

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%1$ Comments336

    There are exponentially more atoms in the universe than legal positions on a chess board, not that it matters anyways.

    Einstein: "Coincidence is God's way of staying anonymous".

    Impressive stalling, made a 5-7 minute video into 19 minutes.

    And Oppenheimer sacrificed…. THE NUKEEEE!!!1!1!!1!!

    “Air traffic control, you are free to sacrifice the rook.”

    I was told that Einstein played without a rook

    I would love to see the chess match between Barbie and Ken

    Did Einstein really win or was it just relative?

    Instead of sacrificing your night what if we sacrificed the bishop on d5

    Is there another world championship summary coming 🥹

    If “K” stands for king then “N” stands for kNight since it’s the second letter available to be used

    as the chessboard, i can confirm that oppenheimer didn't destroy me

    I am begging you to talk about the new policy on transgender women competing in the women's only category. I am a trans woman who loves chess, and I am nothing if not hurt.

    Yo wassup levy I wanna share a game how can I do so plz

    Now I am become life, the destroyer of the destroyer of worlds.

    – Albert Einstein

    ٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴ says:

    Props to the people holding Levy hostage to record and be in the future

    So you're telling me, I'm better than Oppenheimer? Thanks for teaching us all Levy

    New phrase of the day PP on the PP: putting pressure on the pinned piece😅

    PEE PEE ON THE PEE PEE! we all were stuck for a moment

    Homie! Can you make a video on the birds opening? 1. F4

    Albert E. Is my idol and seeing his smart moves makes me happy😂🤠

    "Opening theory will only take you so far"
    — Oppenheimer

    Hey Levy,
    did you notice that Aaditya Dhingra got 150 Elo points over the last 4 weeks? Crazy stuff, maybe you could do a video about this.

    just a small note: there are more possible games than atoms in the universe, not positions. It is estimated that there are more than 10^80 atoms. As a simple estimation of the positions, one can calculate with 64 squares, which can take one of 13 states (empty, K, k, Q, q, R, r, …). That gives you 13^64 different positions, or about 10^71. Obviously, this includes numerous incorrect positions; in fact, there are probably only 10^44ish positions. A popular estimate for the number of games is 10^120

    Ruy Lopez opening , Hiroshima gambit variation

    massive amount of openheimer jokes and humor that is hard to understand☠☠☠

    bro's really criticizing the smartest guy in the world's moves

    Levy…. Sir, there is one thing I would love to hear from you. Can you guess the elo of these two honorary grandmasters?

    Of course, geniuses still play Chess like a grandmaster, and this video proves it.

    I haven’t watched this video yet but I’ll be angry if Oppenheimer doesn’t pull an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile.

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