PAINFUL 600 Elo Chess Match

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%1$ Comments751

    I feel like 300 Elos are better than 600 lol

    he wouldnt wanna see my games🤣🤣🤣

    If you watch Pokemon then you know that the metapod vs
    Metapod Is the best battle ever in Pokemon and 600 elo vs 600 elo is the best match in chess

    In this video

    – How do i c-mate without 3 queens?
    – What is blunder?
    – How to beat martin?
    – How am i 600?

    i guessed the most random the move possible so i said h4 and got it right 3:13

    Would you believe me if I said I guessed h4? But only because you implied it was random

    I just started chess a week ago and these are how my games go, my piece gets taken and I'm shocked that it came out of nowhere.. then I laugh and get mad but then the game finishes cuz I mated the opponent and I don't even know how

    This is roughly how it looks when 2 people play chess for the first time. As children, almost everyone will have started with this level of skill 😉

    watching this while drunk on whiskey and high on weed was a journey and a half lmao
    great content as always Levy

    Probably small children age 8-9 played this game. Kids play like that like in this video.

    “Kids, he drank a lot of water and then he tripped” -Gotham Chess

    You know what they say. “When there is mate in 1, look for any alternative

    10:13 nope the best move is to attack the queen with the knight is it not?


    Wtf. How are 600 that bad. The 600 I’m playing are waaaay better

    The pawns were moved, the queens were moved, this is truly one of the games

    I'm a 700 and none of my opponents play this bad i swear
    I have a rating of 1600 in chess puzzles tho

    Just started as a 1200 and SUNK to a 600… these games look just like mine 😭

    I'm 666 on rapid and I'm Filipino I always play the Italian game opening

    This is actually the best thing I’ve ever seen 😂. The commentary is next level too.

    Me who has 0 Elo, watching this knowing jack shit: 👁👄👁

    800 elo me at 4:34 as black: I See fOrk i DO foRk
    stockfish: OMG BEST MOVE

    i laughed every 20 seconds of this video worthy of a sub lmao

    how does this happen, 700's sometimes dont even hang a piece.

    I know absolutely nothing about chess except for how the pieces move. It goes completely over my head

    I'm a 600 elo too, and for some reason .. when I try to think of the best move to play in that position as the video goes.. more times than I'd like to admit I thought of the exact same move that they played.. 🥲
    Except for when the king was in the middle of a lot of pieces

    Oof, just saw the framed logo on the wall. Sorry for your loss

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