PAINFUL 600 Elo Chess Match

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%1$ Comments751

    I just like watching the engine at the left

    Gotham: "If I were to give you 10 guesses to guess the move that white played here, you would legitimately never guess it in your life"
    Me: "h4"
    Gotham: "White plays the move h4"

    White is playing one of those mobile games where you have missions to unlock currency and it was move your queen 50 times.

    im ngl i see stuff like this sometimes and think "how am i only rated 700"

    As a 800/900 this was as painful to watch as it represents how I can play

    I'm garbage at chess and only know a little but that hurt me. It was like watching someone throw a punch with there thumb tucked in there fingers

    M. Night Shyamalan couldnt come up with a better script than this game xD

    2:48 I feel like Queen to E7 is the worst move you could make in this scenario

    i just realized white didnt develop the white bishop whole game LMAO

    This title is not nearly clickbaity enough

    Levy reacting to blunders is : my mom reacting to me doing Math 🧮 “Nooooo, why???? Nooo!!!” 😅😂

    Can’t even explain how many people at 600 elo bring out the queen in the first 5 moves

    Hahahhaahahhaha I found that white would play h4

    This reminds me of my favorite low-elo memory:

    I applied to get into the high school chess team, and to get in I had to beat an existing player. He didn't know me and wasn't throwing the game to get me in the chess team, and this is very important to clarify as you will see. I never actually asked the teacher in charge of the chess team if this beating existing player rule was real, but anyway.

    At this time, I always fianchettoed kingside, regardless of the opponent's opening, and I always played super-defensive to give the opponent time to overextend and randomly blunder pieces. Anyway, I fianchettoed both bishops, and I sniped both, and I mean both, opponent rooks. This caused a quick resign, which was nice because I was ass at endgame. For a while, the double fianchetto was my signature move, kind of like how Jesse Pinkman always puts chili powder in the meth in Breaking Bad.

    "Literally anything is checkmate" you know hard it must have been yo find the non checkmate move. Lol. These games are so entertaining

    I would like to kindly point out that the Bf1 hasnt moved the ENTIRE GAME, and gets gobbled up by a king of all pieces.

    I have pretty much never played chess and there is no way I could do worse than these guys

    That's weird i play at 300/400 blitz and my opponent are not like this at all. i think i'm secretly at 1000elo or very unlucky. I am the only one facing not so bad players at this elo ?

    This has to just be two people trolling to get on a Gotham video right? For humanity's sake?

    When he said nobody would guess what white would do, and I really thought pawn H3 and it was H4

    Meanwhile me at 200 elo banging the board with my fellow 200 players

    3:12 as soon as u said we would never guess it I thought of the most outlandish move I could and no shot I got it right lmao

    Great minds think alike. I knew that h4 was coming.

    Ah yes, "Person", from "Earth", my favorite chess player

    Given a recent game that I had in the bag but lost in a similarly spectacular fashion, I feel attacked.

    This is my favorite game of all time. I feel like I'm on drugs watching this. The players have to be on something man.

    Ok serious question:
    What does 600 Elo mean in this case? When i started playing online i was ranked at 1200 for Rapid.
    Is this Fide Rating? So if i would play over the Bord my rating would decrease as well? Or is this an online rating to?
    But then how can you be at 600?
    I dont want to impress but i cant wrap my head around it…

    W Bishop: Sire
    B King: Sup, I castled here
    W Bishop: Something is off…

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