Schlatt loses a chess game in 2 moves

schlatt loses to alex botez in a game of chess
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#jschlatt #schlatt #bigguy #short

%1$ Comments227


    This is so staged. Really wish I would have avoided this clickbait. I’m disappointed with myself. 😣

    She was totally going for the 4 move finish and when he opened himself for the 2 move finish she just said, "mmk, let's do that instead."

    the “Schlatt…” at the end is comedy gold

    no one’s gonna say that this was probably planned?

    Someone please explain this hannabal from Carthage move or I'm gonna spend three years watching this to figure it out

    "Schlatt, what happened to this chess game?"

    To be honest… WHO wouldnot see that. I ABSOLUTLY understand her expresion

    "I'm just going to play simple chess … Nothing to see here"
    I think she said that to put Schlatt's guard down.
    Remember, she is a competitive pro.

    Rule 1 of playing Chess. Never leave an opening to your King

    Me whenever I try to play Chess:

    His second move in the dumbest move I've ever seen.
    Did he think that was the queen instead of the king?
    If this isn't staged, I don't understand his thinking on that move.

    The moment I saw the Queen's opening, I knew…

    Haha her eyes moving over was the cherry on top lmfao 😂

    That silence at the end was so bad it somehow closed my YouTube app.

    I probably would have lost the same. How did that even work? The piece moved so many spaces

    "she's never gonna see this coming"
    *commits suicide*

    Nahh you see how fast his face changed😂

    Be like: 😈😧😨🤨

    I got hit this exact same move during my chess early days 💀

    LMFAO @ people in the comments thinking this isn't staged.

    I love the little moment of silence where she looks closer into the screen like "is this actually happening?"

    0:15 “She’s not gonna see this one coming.”

    0:22 Schlatt.exe has stopped working

    her smile is so fking devious 😭

    Chess version of a far away headshot

    That is the only way in the whole game of chess to lose in 2 moves and schlatt did it😂

    You are right she did not see that coming 😅😅

    that pawn was part of the prince's faction and he helped him assasinate the king

    Something about the sideburn dude from Texas play chess and spontaneously lose make me happy.

    She got him with the continental ballistic missile strike

    I have absolutely zero clue what just happened or why that’s a win, but that face Schlatt made is priceless lol

    Ain't no way bro lost to Andrea Botez 💀

    All true. She didn't see it coming. He didn't either, but you know.

    "There is only 1/14,000,604 way loose the game in 2 steps"

    This guy: yes

    I did that to my elder brother, he was annoying me after i taught him chess and i had a headache.. I said to him that if i beat him, he would never insist when i decline. And he agreed. I didn't even know this move had a special name or something, it was just natural.. Easiest bet of my life.

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