SECRET Chess Move!

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%1$ Comments617

    All I thought of when that move happened was the song everyone plays to the move.

    How is it a stalemate if you make a queen instead of a rook? That makes no sense

    This man is basically the vsauce of chess

    I just take all martins prices then promote a bunch of pawns to queen's and checkmate him 💀

    I’m sorry if I am wrong, but can’t we, in the last puzzle, play Qxd8+, Rc8+?

    But how about queen takes rook queen takes queen and rook to c8 forking the queen and the king? That way, you'll be up a full rook

    I thought the answer was take the pawn with the queen and the checkmate in the next move, cause I'm new to chess and I'm a dumdum.

    tbh stablemates are a dumb concept cause it's like "oh yeah, you won this round and you'll take my king and there's nothing i could do to stop that, but you won in a specific way, so you actually didn't win"

    I'm not really good at keeping secrets

    He didn’t even mention the secret move, Knight Boosting

    Pawn woke up and just decided to bully the queen

    ive never gotten a puzzle right until today on levys channel

    Instructions unclear, I sacrificed 12 people to an ancient Egyptian god

    ive saw this one too many times but no way ill get a position like that

    How does promoting the Queen make a stalemate? Can you not promote a piece if it checkmates or something?

    Isn’t taking rook with pawn after rook sacrifice better? Either queen for instant mate or horsey to take the queen and not lose your own?

    Me 200 elo and gets my pawns taken while not knowing how to checkmate with knights

    Bruh u can still make it a queen and the results are the same

    Which chess game is this can't find it on Play Store

    I don't understand why that example was a stalemate.

    I think this guy needs to be a teacher of chess

    Or maybe you just move your king to the side of the pawn to pass one move

    "We outnumber you 4 to 1!"
    "I like those odds"-Mandalorian

    Why not king to b7? After queen sacrifice check

    In the second game what if i took queen A6 taking the pawn and then queen A8? Would it be checkmate

    Levy= There is a secret trick in chess shsss!!

    3million subscribers=👍👂

    Levy is a little quick to the draw here:: fxg,, Nf6 (stops the pawn) Kc6 (threatens to win the a pawn) Nxh7 g4 Ng5 barely stops the g pawn while the h pawn queens.

    Never take a 2000+ player free Queen without seeing the results

    or, u can move to A6 then A8 and that's mate

    I think the idea is to sacrifice……. The roooooooooooooooookkkk!!!

    – I'm not the one who troubles here.
    – What???
    – There are only four of you. You'll need no more than that.

    An yes the classic “i think theres been some confusion here, im not the one in trouble, there are only 4 of you, youll need more than that” gambit

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