SECRET Chess Move!

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%1$ Comments617

    But the queen has also the power of rookkkkkk🗿

    Me whose new here with absolutely no clue… I NEVER KNEW YOU COULD GET TO CHANGE YOUR PAWNS… LIKE, I STILL DON’T UNDERSTAND.

    Waitz this isn't a won game because the f5 pawn just takes on g4, and the game is basically won.

    I frequently don't make the best move, but I make a move that's good enough to win. I would move my king to e7 and still make a Queen, because I'm lazy.

    For the first time I guessed the correct move in these puzzles 😊🙂

    "If they shush at the camera, it's fake" – some guy

    Lost a game in a tournament to the first half of the video yesterday.

    the funniest thing is i got the rook and queen sac correct, but i thought the queen sac was just defending the pawn 💀

    Is there ever a situation where promoting to a bishop is the best move?

    there are only four of you, youll need more than that

    King e7 is better than promoting to a rook because you take opposition and get a queen

    Do i see the black pawn that is about to promote in 3 moves and the knight can not stop it

    In the second example, wouldn't G 7 be checkmate?

    Thinking I can feast on pawns with a knight 😂😂😂, you fool!!!

    in the second one he can simple make a queen and win the game

    or just move the king before you promote to a queen

    But genius genius… BUT WHERE IS THE WHITE KING???

    Whenever it's a king and pawn vs king endgame I always make a rook and not a queen because my dumbass will 100% stalemate.

    After the queen sacrifice, couldn't the king move to C7 instead of taking the queen?

    Speak in Hindi, it will help you engage with the Indian Audience more…. ❤

    There is another way to win, you take the rook with the queen, then you move the rook all the way up and split black queen and king, that he has to take the rook with the queen, which means you can take back with the pawn, and then his King is far enough away that your past pawn can promote

    Legend has it that this video play with the words “a man who can slap but can also stroke”

    On that stalemate one, you could King E7, now black has King H6 or H8 and whichever it is you can promote to a queen.

    for those who are wondering, that secret chess move is called under promotion

    I literally had the same position in one of my videos explaining to people how it’s stalemate, but a lot of people argued against it

    I had a chance to promote to a knight with mate but forgot to hold alt to turn off auto queen 😭 I still won tho

    Check with the rook Rook takes sacrifice the queen make a knight

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