SECRET Chess Move!

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%1$ Comments617

    U don't feast on the pawns that pawn takes and queens before u can nab it I do believe

    The guy with auto-queen activated 💀

    I thought Qxa6. If black plays Qxb7 than Rb1, Kxb1 and it's easy. Otherwyse Qa8 mate.

    i had the idea but i didnt think of the queen sac, i was thinking of just promoting because it is a discovered attack on the king forgetting the king can just take

    White sacrifices….
    On C1 by moving it to C8 and giving check to the Black King. Black then HAS NO CHOICE but to take the Rook with their Rook on D8. White then sacrifices the Queen on B6 by moving it to C7. Black is forced to take with the King , then White will move their pawn on C7 to to D8 because they can capture Black's Rook. It's best to promote the pawn to a knight because, white can fork the Queen and King and it's winning for white

    Queen a7 king takes ,rook c8 rook takes, pawn takes rook promotes and a fork

    i don't underdtand. how is it a stalemate with the queen but not with a rook? blacks only move is the same

    Let's make a video about promoting pawns where you can't see the last rank!

    2. You can got rook sacrfising a queen.

    I could see black winning from there. Once the pawn is past next move when the knight goes to cover. Black king can take the white lawn, white king too far away to protect it leaving another past pawn on the other side of the board, I actually think black could be stonier here.

    The that I read the comment that says "there are 4 of you, you'll need more than that" I was confused,
    And then I scrolled, and saw the edit 💀💀

    This is the first time he didn’t say : ‘AND HE SACRIFICES THE ROOK’

    My summer break has started and I wanna learn some chess openings I'm 400elo so can someone recommend me easy yet strong chess openings that my dense brain can comprehend 😭

    “I think there’s been some confusion. I’m not the one in trouble.”

    everyone's looking for mate, but we're feasting on the pawns LOL

    I’m confused how in the first scenario when he promoted to rook, promoting to queen is not checkmate but instead a stalemate? Can someone explain?

    This is called "Underpromotion"

    What if we didn't sacrifice the queen was it a checkmate 😅

    It's called a cork if it's a check with a fork.

    I felt smart asf after guessing the moves for that shit 💀

    My stupid ass thought that I should make a knight in the first underpromotion example

    People who promoted to a bishop : my goals are beyond your understanding

    underpromotion is a secret trick? i didnt know and just learned that with all basics at start :V

    There's so many videos about this line. I'm sure Gotham has done atlest 3 videos on this line 😅

    hey Gotham idk if its just me but on phones these short videos kinda gets cut in the top part and every chess video I cant see the 8th rank. If its a common issue would u mind adjusting the board a bit downwards?

    How is New York going for yah levy I’m feel really bad

    Gotham: tells us to promote to a knight
    Also Gotham: you guessed it

    Rc8+ Rxc8 Qa7+ Kxa7 bxc8=N+ and it forks the queen and king

    "You're fired" —> "You're promoted to customer"

    I did this in a game on accident and then realized what i had done. Levy wouldve been proud

    Why doesn’t queen takes rook, black queen takes queen, rc8+ work?

    I always promote to a rook because I am afraid of stalemates lol

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