SECRET Chess Move!

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%1$ Comments617

    If someone is looking for the technical term, it’s called underpromoting

    And then you sacrifice.. You guessed it THE ROOOOOOOOK

    Or, in the second position, white can play Ke7 and make a queen next move

    I think theres been some confusion… I'm not in trouble here "WHAT?" There are only four of you. you'll need more than that

    Loading up the clip in my hand with a plan for tonight, with a glock in my hand in my pocket is a knife

    Isn't Black winning with that f-passed pawn?

    We end up in a losing position. There is nothing to stop the pawn on f6

    I think there's been some confusion, I'm not the one in trouble here

    "There are 4 of you, you'll need more than that" – chess moment

    The puzzle that he show us is an old puzzle which i had seen 3 to 4 times in shorts but here he has edited some thinks like king is far and there are 2 extra pawn in à file


    “It’s four against one”
    “I like those odds”

    Bro u can just move ur king to e7 then the other king moves and u get a queen and no stalemate

    I remember playing years ago when I was really young and I trapped the opponent's king in a 2×1 space and I promoted to a queen that blocked one of the sqares diagonaly making it a stalemate. 200 ELO chess is in fact really crazy.

    also you can take back, discover check with the queen and promote to a knight to possibly win a queen and for sure be up a knight in the endgame

    So levy just did a shorts Promotion lesson and expects is us to be able to sac our rook and queen

    What a cool and informative little video. Underpromotions are hard to grasp as a beginner player.

    Levy seriously looks like he is recording a video rather than a short 😂

    Rook c8 and then he takes it with rook and then, u sacrifice… THE QUEEEEN to a8 then he takes it with king and u take the ROOOK c8 and promote to a knight

    After taking queen… The black pawn will easily promote itself

    Bro I got some into sacrificing my pieces I said one time during my game I was thinking of sacrificing my king.

    Everyone promotes to a knight, rook, or queen but no bishop is seen

    Bold of you to assume that now I can take all of the pawns

    White – rc8
    Black captures with rook
    White – queen to A7
    Black – king to A7 forced
    White – pawn takes on rook and promotes to a knight , forking king and the queen

    Instructions unclear. I underpromoted to rook then sacrificed it. No checkmate in sight

    Why do you promote rook when quuen is checkmate?

    And if king doesn't take, pawn takes rook promotes to whatever and it's a discovered skewer

    Im super proud of myself that i actally did see that

    'i think there's been some confusion…'

    I always make a rook cuz
    The chances of stalemate with the rook is
    Lower than a queen
    Am I right?

    Even levy is joining the trend to post the same clip which I saw a thousand of times 😂😂

    What happen if black king flee to C7?

    I hate stupid edit

    "I dont think im the one whos in trouble here.."

    Knight will be a draw as you can't mate with king and knight. Promoting to Rook is mate in 1

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