Secret Chess Trick!

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%1$ Comments498

    Yeah, one of my friends is an IM, I’m a beginner with a very busy schedule so I highly doubt I’ll ever crush him lol

    I was losing a few games, jumped on YT and this was the first Short. My next game, I checked opponent's King and forced their queen capture. This vid is how I got them to resign (ty, Gotham).

    Thanks for the advice now I just need some friends

    Singapore students:CO CIRRICULUM ACTIVITIES

    You was actually serious when you said pause here for a SECOND 😭

    Yep following this strategy I actually beat a 1400 on lichess (I am 940 😪)

    Always look for checks. Thats why everyone new goes b5 levy smh

    When I paused the vid I literally thought of CCA in Gotham’s voice and found the move. Thank you so much for your tips!

    "what would you do"
    Me: quit playing chess and go cry inside a closet

    i'm very happy i found it. i am stupid in chess and i'm happy with myself

    I didn't realize that it was a puzzle but I found it because I was looking for intermezzo moves.

    Well I thought you would have to sacrifice THE QUEEEEN

    Damn, I actually got it, I must be a genius

    I solved this puzzle by thinking about the space left behind. Then applied the CCA method.

    I wish I was back at this phase with my friends. We all played consistently for about a two years and we are all 1500. I’ll probably still set a trap like this as a joke though. 😂

    As someone who’s dog at chess, I was so proud of myself for seeing the fork. I was sure when I unpaused it was some complex mate in 3 I wasn’t seeing but I’m so happily surprised

    Me going out looking out for checks on the ground xD

    It's not about the checks, I just want to RIP AND TEAR

    Ok I paused I say maybe move your knight right in front of his knight than most likely he will ignore his Bishop he just played than he would play his other knight on yours moving it in front of his than check and mate

    Others: checks capture and attack
    Levy's sub: what worths more than the bishop? THE QUEENNNNN!!!

    Ok so dont knock the bishop.
    Get checks first to get a wife.🎉

    Then I can beat that bugger

    All I learned was I should always sacrifice the rook. For what you may ask? Doesn't matter

    Checks, Captures, Attacks sounds like a congruence statement😂

    Normal person:Takes queen
    Stock fish:inaccuracy😒

    “Never let then know your next move”

    For have a rating of 500 I'm proud of my self for almost instantly finding that

    OK I got that one right I pause the video in and thought about it and I made the right move

    I am glad to say after pausing for 3 minutes I found it

    I saw didn’t pause saw the knight fork and heard “a lot of you would say that’s so easy” and I went YES IT IS MOVE THE KNIGHT

    Highly unlikely everyone moves a piece then puts a defender so that’s impossible cause chess players protect every piece and just start trading pieces so very rare scenario

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