Secret Chess Trick!

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%1$ Comments498

    i didnt even see rook to g3
    i just went straigth with night b7😂

    It’s not “the rook” it’s “but waaaaait!”

    i spotted it and i feel so proud of myself! as a 600 ill probably still blunder this in a real game but hey signs of improvement.

    How can I get a crush to like me instead of chess?

    “What should you do”
    Not hang my bishop

    Better method: F.U.C.K.

    That was the first thing I saw. Watch your mouth on 600s gotham

    Lol, what a stupidity. If your friends are 6 years old and retarted you can crash them with that and call it a trick.

    Your friend is Magnus Carlsen: ☠️

    This was not too hard once I looked. Apparently the hard part for me is remembering to look. I need Levy to watch over my shoulder and shout, "But WAIT!" Occasionally.

    "Always look for checks"
    During GTE:

    I did not even see rook take bishop because the the check with knight looked so tasty.

    LOL I actually saw that but thought…no he MUST be talking about something else…. I went crazy trying to find the "secret"… lol

    CCA. Noted. Thank you sir. This will help get out of the scrubs.

    I was in class and it was silent and I accidently turned my phone on with full volume. Next thing I know levy is screaming "this is how to beat all your friends in chess"

    I saw the check immediately i feel smart 😌 ☺️

    I'm glad I saw that before deciding my move 😁

    I feel good to have seen the fork quickly, Im getting betterr 😀

    I thought he was gonna sacrifice THE QUEEEN but the opponent was the one to sacrifice it

    At first I tought it was 1.Qa4 x Kc2 +
    1…Qd3 x Qc2
    2. Kc4 – e3 +
    3.Ke3 x Qc2
    3… Kc1 x Kc2
    4. The rook takes The bishop

    Will you be doing videos on the other parts? Captures and Attacks? Particularly curious on how you can simplify when one can spot that they have an attack or not

    Too bad all my friends don't know how to play chess💀

    Hope everyone is having a fantastic day! Hopefully you can make mine better as well by reading my name❤️

    Oh I already crush my friends at school In chess

    Man that's the first video that I found the right move in less than a second

    Gothamchess: don’t give random checks
    Also gothamchess:
    Edit: This is the most likes I’ve ever gotten

    in a bold move he sacrifices the ROOOOOOOOK!

    I'm so happy I actually caught this one. Im not good by any means but it's cool seeing me slowly improve.

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