Secret Chess Trick!

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%1$ Comments498

    The first time I got a puzzle with so many pieces on the board correct

    I thought of this move but the queen capture was not seen by me😕

    havent watched it fully, but horse g2 for the fork on the queen or sth

    Edit: i knew itt

    You can also Sacrifice the QUEEEEEEEENNNN and then get a queen but obv that's the better move

    Levy is like, always look for checks, but then screams every beginner to not just check when ever it is possible

    Anyone who missed this didn’t look at the board

    Always look for checks but don't always give checks

    When you see a good move, look for a better one

    Oh I thought he was going to teach me en passent again

    I've been watching you more and more and I found this on the pause. Getting better. Loving it

    Yeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! I soooooo it. I soooo it ahhhhhh!!! Only been learning for 3 weeek😊😊😊 nice I'm proud of my self

    Oh wait there's no the rooooooook

    But waitttttt


    ah yes should have seen the check that was cut off by the top of the screen

    I somehow missed the intro and thought I am white idk why… anyways I predicted black is gonna fork me with the knight so I guess that counts.

    bruh, I saw queen takes knight, then after queen takes u fork it. IG I'm dumb

    "this is how you can crush all your friends"
    "… in chess"

    I saw that knight move but thought the white pawn was guarding that square 😭

    This is a weird way to play checkers…

    I thought putting the knight on 6g so the queen takes my pawn and then I avenge with my queen then take the Bishop

    I actusly would have done the right move for one not with the intension to get the queen but simply because its a check i would have probably fount the thing with the queen in the move after

    Horsey> queen, not sacrificing my horsey for anything

    After watching your videos I finally got one right before unpausing! Yes!

    Thanks a lot man this will always help me thank you

    Me who saw the horse fork 1st: i am 4 parallel universes ahead of some of you 🙂

    Dude i think when you say "this is how you can crush" you mean you can have crush on all your friends 😂

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