Secret Chess Trick!

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%1$ Comments498

    I just stalemated a game by accident because it was on game pigeon and it didn’t have the option to promote my pawn to a rook instead of a queen or a knight, so I took the queen and stalemated despite me having a king, queen, and rook, and my opponent only had their king

    Me didn't pay attention to bishop instead thinking knight can fork king and queen:

    I thought take the knight with your queen but im wrong ig

    I'm learning. I was able to pause and notice the fork. 😀

    Proud of myself for this one I’m not even 700 and I saw the royal fork

    I got one this time! mostly because i like to play with knights the most

    Question. How do u look for c c a in blitz games…..u will take so much time per move to do that

    Thought we were gonna sacrifice the rook for a second 😅

    Not in bullet I’ll use this the power of BLUNDER! But I will use this in any other mode. Thank you gotham

    And wait- that king move near to the queen right and touch that side so the queen is protected

    But mine is ddd:stand for "defence defence defence*

    the king: Oh so you check me huh? lemme send you to where you belong,


    everytime other ppl do this they win my queen. everytime i do this they counter attack forcing me to retreat and waste a move so they can run away and then im just down a piece

    Check with knight then take queen with knight

    I have 100 on the chess thingy and even i thought of this move cuz the ROOOOK was too obvious 😂.


    After watching this video. I’ve found the answer to life.

    I love you levy I bust every day to you!! 💦💦💦

    Ye but not every capture gives you a chance to take there queen

    Checks are not ALWAYS good though, so this advice could get many people into trouble in their games.

    me hubiera reído si no la habría visto de mismo xd

    Magnus Carlsen studying this tonight for sure

    My friends dont play chess they say it's a nerdy game (btw they play 4/5 hours of league of legends a day so yeah i dont their opinion have value)

    I looked for checks and didn't see anything 💀 I think my 500 elo is telling me something

    I have been playing a few hours against mittens. I am a complete beginner at chess. I could see free knight attacking king and queen. I picked Mittens because he was 1 elo. Easy bot for first games. God damn bot is end of days good. Currently winning upto bot level 2700. Started losing games at that point. I guess thanks mittens, the cat from hell. Only every drawed once against you.

    Once a guy thought we Were doing a rook exchange and got checkmated

    I'm looking to play the dummy that went for that bishop instead of the knight .

    The question is, who the hell would play Bishop when they know their pieces is in threat with a fork.

    Levy usually clarifies this in the longer videos: the point is not that checks/captures/attacks will always be the best move, just that you need to have noticed all of them as options before you make your move.

    This is my first time actually getting one right at these types of levy videos😂

    Found this quite easily even though I tend to lack in find moves in puzzles

    I was looking for checks every move,, " Lost on time "

    Jokes on you, neither my friends nor I are good enough to make it to this point without having lost half the board 😂

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