SECRET Rule Of Chess!

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%1$ Comments519

    If the capture fails, beware of the brick.

    You forgot the number one rule of en passant, “if you can do it, you have to do it”

    Nice… I just learned that it has expiry date 😂

    me over here doing it on accident against my friend yesterday:
    Me: You said it was rare !

    Does it has to be only pawn vs pawn or anything will do against that pawn

    Thank YOU, I didn't know when this move works

    I actually did this in a match last night and I was quite confused as to why it was a legal move.. thanks for explaining! Definitely earned my sub.. I’ll be back for more tips!!

    Thanks because I know this rule but I dobt get it before

    قصص للاطفال /histoires pour les enfants says:

    Yes did know it 😅

    The first time I ever saw this I reset my phone 😭

    The most rules that people don’t know about chess is 1st en passant, 2nd castling.

    But Gotham it worked even in the e-file 🥲 I lost the best position I had

    It is a known rule that if an En passant is available you must do it even if it blunders the game

    someone posted about someone beating him with this move and when he asked how he did it the opponet said en passant and he thought he called him a peasant and thought it was a glitch lol

    As french i tought that english speakers has translated this in english and one time i said "i take in passing" and my opponent said "no it's en passant". Ok but why?

    See i Amma ch more of a chess nerd and have heard of en passant before but my friend isn't he is a good player doesn't know much lore about chess. So he was at a finals and i was home and his opponent used en passant as most of the people in our school didn't know about the move and hence he lost terribly. He also specifically used the move as i wasn't there

    Me who learned en passant before learning to castle

    Real Northern News - Independent Journalism says:

    En passant is le stupide

    Oh i thought my opponent called me a peasant

    I like to imagine En Passant like one pawn sticking his leg out to trip the other guy walking by.

    This happened to me I was so confused how did he Take my Pawn and I thought it was a bug 😂😂😂


    I had played chess for over a decade, and never heard of this move. I was having a in school chess match, and my opponent did this move, and I was like, what the hell, you can't do that, that's not a move, and he kept saying it was.

    The chess teacher came and looked at what happened, and that's when I learn that this is a real move, and it's pretty rare, because most people don't know what it is, or they forget it exists, and so the move is very rarely done for avg players anyway.

    I thought my chess was broken because Emir did this to me

    I like how you say this so carefully 🙂
    Then there's the suggswank

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