SECRET Rule Of Chess!

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%1$ Comments519

    A well known chess technique, but rarely used because you have to be French to do it.

    The french guys in the comments :
    We approve his pronounciation

    My brother taught me this move when I first started playing chess

    I did know that but whenever i used it on someone they just said there is no rule lile that and i had to go with another move

    My friend hated this thing when it happened

    En passant means in passing in English right?my French is bad

    This game playing while not a thing this was knowing.
    Anyone else?

    I learned this today and I was so confused at my friend when he did this move to me I was like 👁👄👁 YOU CANT DO THAT

    I always just like imagining the people who first played these moves, arguing with their opponent going like
    "you can't do that"
    "Yes I can"
    "Nuh uh"

    i accidentally did that while playing with my bro in chess😂

    Me: explaining what happened in the chess match vs brother And then saying en passant things

    My mom was like: what is en passant

    And me and my brother said: GOOGLE EN PASSANT

    Learned it last Saturday in chess club

    I played this against my friends and they kicked me out(jk they just didn't allow me to do it)

    There’s a move in chess but I forgot it’s name all I know is they the rook goes diagonally

    he can say en Passant but is saying sugswuang

    This is useless, even if I do this to my relative/friend and explain why I can do it, they are still gonna say "ThAt Is ChEaTiNg"

    jason clawmachine fun do dats and amazment says:

    Oh so that's why one of my opponents pawn disappeared

    most ppl don know this rule because it illegal and make it unfair

    Does this also count if the pawn only moves one space, and is right next to the other pawn? Or does it HAVE to be a two tile move?

    you just say it on french (français)

    I used it and ik its real but the funny thing is that some people laughed

    me being french:En passant


    The french theme on backsound💀

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