Solid & Powerful Chess Opening For Black Against 1.e4 [Tricks & Traps]

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🔹 Powerful Chess Opening for Black Against 1.e4 [TRAPS Included] –

In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov presents to you one of the best chess openings for Black against 1.e4. The French Defense, which happens after 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5, is a solid and powerful chess opening for Black.

You will learn the key advantages of the French Defense, the logical reason behind every move of Black, key ideas in the opening, and attacking plans in the middlegame. You can play this opening against beginners and also advanced-level opponents.

► Chapters

00:00 Best Chess Opening For Black Against 1.e4
00:19 Why the French Defense is powerful
02:09 1) Advance Variation: 3.e5
04:00 Common mistake by White
06:19 If White plays Bd3 to prevent Nf5
10:49 If White plays Bb5, pinning Nc6
13:36 White loses castling rights or the bishop
17:26 Mainline played by experienced opponents
20:02 2) Exchange Variation: 3.exd5
22:02 3) Rubinstein Variation: 3.Nc3 dxe4

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%1$ Comments151

    Thank you really helpful ❤️ can't stop watching ur videos 🥰

    Thank you for all the stupid kids you talk into playing a positional opening that they 100% fuck up below 2000 once their opponent does not play one of the worst assumed moves you're showing and not understanding the motives of their own position, and playing the french myself in ~300 online games of the advanced I've never faced 5.f4 and just showing old theoretical lines of Millner Barry gambit, selling it as lowkey easy win for black is just bs. Why not teach better solid opening theory for your audience? Just do it like that Gotham clown and add a clickbaity preview picture for the clicks but teach anything that shows the competence of a GM.

    Eagerly waiting for argun vs mittens the cat fight of chess😾

    ► Chapters

    00:00 Best Chess Opening For Black Against 1.e4

    00:19 Why the French Defense is powerful

    02:09 1) Advance Variation: 3.e5

    04:00 Common mistake by White

    06:19 If White plays Bd3 to prevent Nf5

    10:49 If White plays Bb5, pinning Nc6

    13:36 White loses castling rights or the bishop

    17:26 Mainline played by experienced opponents

    20:02 2) Exchange Variation: 3.exd5

    22:02 3) Rubinstein Variation: 3.Nc3 dxe4

    Great! Now lemme watch this 20 more times to memorize the first few moves

    Bishop can still check the king after pawn D5

    OK, finally have to ask. Is he saying "this operation"? This "variation"? Every video it drives me crazy to make sure I am hearing it correctly.

    Ok so i have tried this ten times and nobody makes these moves this way or even close to it. My game isnt getting better its getting worse

    And what do you do if Whites second move is Qf3.. Played French defense alot and never seen this… What's the trick he's planning 😂

    Thanks. I never studied chess when I was younger, but sometimes I would play and I knew how all the pieces moved, but I didn't know much about traps or strategy. I watched a chess video and got inspired and began playing anonymously at an online chess website. I was having some success with a variant of the French defense, but had to look it up to llearn about it. I have already learned a lot from you and am only halfway through your video. Thanks for the lesson. I think I will like and subscribe.

    I thought the French defense was to simply resign?

    Man, this video is so helpful, I was struggling with the caro kahn against 1.e4 with this defense es way more easy and solid for a beginner like me.

    just a litle recomendation: you should put the openning name on the title so people can be instantly awere of what is the video about, or for example if I'm looking for "french defense" videos and don´t see it in the title, I may not click on the video. Just a constructive opinion. Thanks a lot!

    9:19 what if you follow up with knight g4, attacking the bishop. It has no squares to go and you can win the knight on d4

    Caro kann players be like i knew this all along but didn't😐

    Lovely. I watched this defence and won against a stronger player in the first game! This defence gives black a solid opening base from which to launch an attack.

    Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge.

    Perfect video!! veri solid opening😀😃😄

    The French n Caro Kann can transpose too..i will try to see a few french defense speed runs if available n then use it in my repertoire..thank u fir this.

    Congratulation. I sent 4 years to fond this idea

    Personally I prefer NF6 (which plays the waiting attacking game to 1.e4) or the Sicilian – Najdorf Or Dragon variation (both beginning with c5) or
    Schvengingen opening that is d5 to e4.

    – all most attacking opening replies by Black.

    But the Carokann and French defense are good too – the French defense however leads to a cramped game for the development of Black's pieces and delays castling for Black's King. The French defense is more defensive than attacking to 1.e4. Sicilian is the most attacking opening by Black against 1.e4 by games won by Black against e4 by history of chess.

    Great! This eliminates so many traps and attacks it's unbelievable. Several grandmasters beat Bobby Fischer with this French Defense. Thanks for good video

    What do you do against knight b3, pin it or attack the pawn again? which one is better.

    Started watching your vdos few days ago and Now I'm feeling confident with whatever you explain. Thank you🌹

    I think secilien defence are best 💪 secilien defence dragon variatin are very strong defence 💪

    I like Caro-Kann…as Black
    Because I always ended up in cramped situation that leads to blunder…😂

    Thank to you and l will needed to you for will giving me opening cilcilian and against cilcilian

    Plays French Defense …..gets invaded by Germany 😄

    Fantastic content, Igor!
    Appreciate your time and help 😊

    I love your videos. They are so easy to understand, very helpful, and enjoyable. Thank you!

    at 9min of the video instead of Bc5 we can play Rxc2

    This game only works with 500/800 players, way too many nonsensical moves from white.

    After i watched this video i got 100 accuracy 👏

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