Stockfish Has Fallen


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%1$ Comments383

    Stockfish never fails to play the top Hans move

    If you think about it, it's impossible to beat stockfish with 100% accuracy, CZ the moves that will cause it to lose won't be the ones it deems "best" otherwise it can counteract them lmao

    Levy: "Don't move a piece more than once before you finish development. Be like the computers."

    Levy, two seconds later: "And here the computer breaks a chess principle by moving a piece twice before finishing development."

    Stockfish is king. They gave him a losing position,let the boys battle on their own.

    Completely agree. This is great content and love your commentary

    Beginners, try to copy computers…
    This statement can quickly backfire

    Levy, the intros don't mean anything because of the title

    They should let the computar play from the very first move.. if the computer wants to play A3 every single game.. so be it.. maybe thats the best move

    When i see chess bots video i am rarely that hooked to watch a video on YouTube.

    What happened to alpha zero? I thought that beat stock fish a whole bunch of times too?

    Does Levy do yayo? Sometimes it looks like he's jawing.

    Great video. However, I find the way you describe the preset moves grating — while it is nice to see how the starting position was reached, describing it as "Leela played X because Y" just seems wrong. Leela didn't play any of the preset moves; as far as the computers are concerned, they're just playing from position (aside from a negligible effect from the stalemate rules).

    Stockfish never fails to play a key role in gotham chess videos.

    I don't understand what happened to Alpha Zero

    Vladimir writing new petition to investigate Leela

    Something I'm learning from these engines. Its not just about gaining space. It's denying space. In that second game Lela completely blocked Black from its side of the board and patiently pushed its way closer to the other side while preventing black from getting past its front lines.

    Levy mentions that in a lot of these bot games they use preprogramed/hardcoded openings… does anyone know why? Not sure I've ever seen that covered.

    30:52 A new meme: Hang … the ROOOOOOOOOK!

    But what if Stockfish plays as White?

    What kind of platform are these engines using? If highest level of Stockfish is installed on Watson (or something newer) does it then beat Leela more consistently?


    Why do they give them positions to start from? Does anybody know?

    The last game was so beautifully played

    I do like seeing engine v engine games, however, there is at least one other popular channel which already covers this type of content often so there could be an overlap issue.

    I'd like to know how the other games went with same openings opposite colors

    "stockfish has fallen"
    also stockfish: always black

    fyi – for the first game the beginning moves up to 12. .. f5 were forced by human control – after 12. h4 f5, both white and black already agreed white was slightly winning – this is done because if the computers calculated every move they would only play in a limited way – but it is interesting to see if black was strong enough to defend well enough to draw – a weaker engine might not be able to force the win for white – both players switched sides and played each other with the same forced moves and stockfish won as white – so you would expect people not to play the game seriously with these twelve moves – full first game is 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 b6 4. Nc3 Bb7 5. Bg5 Be7 6. e3 Ne4 7. Nxe4 Bxe4 8. Bf4 O-O 9. Bd3 Bb4+ 10. Kf1 Bxd3+ 11. Qxd3 Be7 12. h4 f5 13. h5 d6 14. Re1 Qd7 15. h6 g6 16. e4 Nc6 17. g3 Nb4 18. Qe2 fxe4 19. Qxe4 Nxa2 20. Kg2 Nb4 21. Bd2 a5 22. Qxe6+ Qxe6 23. Rxe6 Bf6 24. Rhe1 Nc6 25. Bg5 Bh8 26. d5 Nd8 27. Bxd8 Raxd8 28. b3 Bf6 29. R1e2 Rf7 30. g4 Rdf8 31. Re8 g5 32. R2e6 Rxe8 33. Rxe8+ Rf8 34. Rxf8+ Kxf8 35. Ne1 Kf7 36. Kf3 Be7 37. Nc2 Bf8 38. Na3 Ke7 39. Nb5 Kd7 40. Ke4 Bxh6 41. Kf5 Bg7 42. Kxg5 c6 43. Na7 b5 44. dxc6+ Kc7 45. Nxb5+ Kxc6 46. f4 d5 47. Na3 d4 48. Kf5 d3 49. Nb1 Bb2 50. Ke4 Bc1 51. f5 d2 52. Nc3 Bb2 53. Nd1 Bc1 54. Kd3 Kd6 55. Kc2 Ke5 56. b4 a4 57. c5 Ba3 58. c6 Kd6 59. g5 Bc1 60. f6 a3 61. f7 Ke7 62. c7 Kf8 63. c8=Q+ Kxf7 64. b5 Ke7 65. Qa6 Bb2 66. Kd3 h6 67. g6 Bf6 68. g7 Bxg7 69. Qxa3+ Ke6 70. Kxd2 Be5 71. Kd3 h5 72. Ke4 Bd6 73. Qa6 h4 74. Ne3 Kd7 75. Qc6+ Ke7 76. Nd5+ Kf8 77. Qxd6+

    Watching stockfish lose is like sun going down at 10 am in the morning
    So painful for me cuz I admire and like stockfish other than any chess bot 😔

    The stockfish has fallen
    Millions must improve

    We need to see stock fish play duo and stock fish plays a language opening

    Can I be number 31 in the line of asking for more of this type of god-power videos?


    "I hang my rook or something"

    "It's a common chess condition where you get inspired by something you watch, and then you completely cannot replicate it"

    (that's me watching any of your or other tips/tricks/traps videos)

    The thumbnail never fails to make me feel on edge

    Is torch similar in strength to these 2 bots?

    Chess computer vids are rhe best great vid gotham!!

    Your secret power:

    Posting total click bait titles and then afterwards I'm like, ok I guess that was pretty interesting…

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