Tate Exposes His True Chess ELO

#hikaru #chess #grandmaster

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    Best advice : Play 10-20 minute games and be thoughtful and critical
    For example :
    Is this the best move I can make?
    Is there a better move?
    Another good way of getting an advantage is to look at the board from your enemies perspective
    with what move could they respond with?

    1800 is actually very good for anyone not familiar with chess elos…for perspective most people sit between 600-900 elo

    for anyone who might know is there a setting i need to adjust in youtube or something beause im tired of seing this individual pop out or do i just have put all the channels i find posting his stuff and just block them or something?

    you cant learn to play chess in blitz rapid is a way better way to learn cuz in blitz you cant think enough

    my max blitz is 2253, my max bullet is 2344

    Why does YouTube keep putting this garbage on my page? Tate is an abuser

    Blitz doesn’t get you better at chess

    Lmao I do the same shit but I'm 800 ELO. I know… I'm peasant status 😅

    1800 elo online is pretty sad, more so considering the time he has spent playing

    Here’s comes someone claiming to have a higher Elo…

    :/ I became a 2200 bc I learn sth new but is if top g actually study his potential would be a Grandmaster not Advance ( be glad top G didn't became a GM or else he will roast the sh.t out of you for been sh.t )

    Some sons become better than their fathers. They may be more, intelligent, stronger, faster, many things, and then you have others that are better, but aren’t in certain things they cannot succeed their fathers they are stuck under the there’s father wins and for instance, that’s him right now.

    At 1800 chess is the most fun. Later is just preassure: have to beat <2100, have to draw 2300/2400 and for fun sometimes u beat some good player. But 1800elo have fun every single game as i remember

    We feel ya Tate, I’m stuck around 1600 rapid rn.

    Personally I never really had a period of rapid growth, I was around 1100 as a beginner and have gotten to 1500 over years of slow progression. My blitz and bullet rating is absolutely atrocious though.

    It's always amazing to see the difference in how people who study their games progress compared to people who just blitz everything out.

    Ok but to be at 1800 ELO without really trying or studying is quite good

    People should start learning the English language properly and understand what the word EXPOSE means

    I'm 2100 at 1+0 but I know in real life (classical) I'm like 1700

    I am stuck at 1k after playing for 1 month, chess is hard

    I’m also 1800 elo my exact elo rating is 1809

    It’s cuz of all these little kids who exploded out of the pandemic with crazy chess tactics and now there’s like over 25,000 6-7-8-9 year olds rated more than 1800 😭

    Good ELO I am a National Master and I am sure I am not going up from there. I am conformable with that

    I've never seen andrew without a smile while talking about his father, truly amazing

    When Andrew gets old he's actually going to sweat chess so hard I can tell

    Why would anyone listen to someone who won’t learn

    Bro had 1600 elo in chess and say that he had 1800 ☠️

    he is not 1800 Elo if you seen any of his games. Like his Elo, it is all an act lol

    I found his account a few months ago, forget what it was.

    I am about 900-1000 blitz on Chesscom and 1200-1300 on Lichess blitz is not so easy, even on my level these players play pretty solid. If you don't learn traps and openings then simply playing by intuition will make you no progress in blitz and to be honest blitz is not a easy chess mode, in rapid you can think, in blitz you must know what you doing and play automatic patterns depending on situation, premoving, anticipating. but… Go play rapid only for some time and you will be better in blitz later. I did that when I was 700-800, now I am 1000 and I am blitzing away wining and losing, stuck😂

    his dad wasnt as good as everyone says he was an im

    He isn't stuck. He is about 1500 elo at this point. And he knows it but isn't doing anything about it. What a lazy guy, I must say.

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