Tate Exposes His True Chess ELO

#hikaru #chess #grandmaster

%1$ Comments184

    1800 for blitz is nutty. Dudes gotta be 2k+in classical

    1800 is very respectable its very high and takes a long time and when there are millions of chess players but only say 4000 grand masters (2500) 1800 isnt bad

    Bro just casually says he’s staying at 1800 without analyzing or studying😦

    aHR0cDovLzk3My1laHQtbmFtdWgtOTczLmNvbS8 says:

    I dont believe he have 1800 elo

    I haven’t seen that face or heard that voice in a while

    That’s respectable. Not everyone needs to be a grandmaster. For example something I’m really good at is math. I think most people should atleast learn algebra, but there’s really no need for everyone to learn calculus or linear algebra like I have. Those take a lot of time and you should instead to what you want to do with your life

    I am a 2150 in rapid a 1900 blitz and a 2000 bullet player. I don’t really study openings but I realize if I want to get better I’m gonna have to

    I never understood how people gravitated towards him, I have never seen a piece of content w him ALONE in it that seemed like anything entertaining at all. He seems like someone who’s been around money too long and has let it spoil him, maybe I’m salty maybe I’m not the one who feels this way, either way, I don’t care

    Even gm hikaru said “it not about how smart are you on chess it just experience and common sense

    I never trust a man who talks more than what he listens.

    bruh im stuck at 950-1000 elo and its the same for a quite good time as tate said lol any tips?

    okay people its not that ther is a problem and hes ignoring it ,its chess, its a board game , if you enjoy it you put hours in learning theory and watching matches and analyize and stuff , hes saying he plays for fun but people compare him to his dad who was a grandmaster so hes a totally different animal.

    Nah bro someone in the 6th grade class is 2100

    Fast games are not that good for improving tbh. I have 2100 elo on bullet in Lichess and I still suck ass. I don’t play good I just play fast. Blitz is not that different either. Like my 1600 friend can crush me in rapid. When playing bullet tho, He will probably play better moves but also blunderes some pieces here and there because of limited amount of time He has while I can think of more stable and safe moves in less amount of time. Also I know where I should premove and where I shouldn’t. Btw I am 1500 or smth in rapid so yeah I am really bad at this game.

    Tate and Me same problem. 1900 elo for years and didn't move because too bored to learn and analyse

    Surprising that he knows why he's stuck at the same rating, he's pretty clever

    Bc his father was a better man anf actually understood the game was one with the game

    He’s realised that it’s a nice game but not worth investing time and brain power into.

    Bro 1800 actually a pretty awesome rating, 2500's grandmasters noobs 200

    Bruh my chess elo higher than his in blitz, I honestly think it’s a talent issue cause I play less than him

    does 1800 makes him an international master?

    This is the exact same as me. 23000+ games and stuck at 1700

    Yeah you gotta play at least 15/10 games if you wanna improve. In 3 minutes games you play 90% of the moves intuitively and if they’re good they’re good and if not you get a losing position.
    Longer time frames you calculate and explore ideas much more.
    On 1800 he should do tactics a lot and learn openings he faces the most and some endgame study would help too.

    His dad would probably defeat him in chess easily

    i got to 1420 elo only 6 months of playing chess

    To calculate the correct Elo, it’s the same equation for calculating penis size for men. If he alleges he’s 1800, divide that by three and that’s his actual Elo.

    yall know what website he uses on his phone?

    sometimes you make a briliant move and hang a full queen in the next move ~blitz player

    Its actually kinda hard to improve while only playing blitz

    hikaru literally guessed it bruh 💀💀💀💀

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