Teenager Defeats Magnus Carlsen in 3 Chess Games!

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%1$ Comments224

    ramadan mobarak levy, thank you for the mention !

    Nice thumbnail but I preferred the previous vid title

    Levy changed the title to promote the MAGNUS CARLSEN IN IT

    Love your religious kindness! ramadan mubarak 🙂 from a muslim from Belgium, i'm Chechen ethnically, privet!

    Putting Nakamura and Magnus in the same bucket is totally unwarranted. The former is just no match for the latter in chess prowess and class of sportsmanship. But we know Gotham does collaborations with Hikaru quite regularly so it's important to tickle this man's bottomless ego. Just a bit distasteful, that's all.

    A blitz in reality isen't a regulation game !. Maybe the computer plays at this speed. Back in the days of deep blue . The worlds chess players and deep blue versus the world champion!.
    Everyone and the computer versus one??!!!.

    Same thing is happening with cubing rn, Yiheng is taking over…

    Love you Levy. We all spend our time watching people better than us. 😊

    2:27, I think should try. He is called God, for the impossible.

    My step dad saw Magnus Carlsen😊

    I got my first 1000 rated game. I'm only rated 300 on rapid but my first game with 0 mistakes and 86% accuracy My blitz rating is much higher for some reason.

    What’s the best way to contact Gotham?

    Pokemon rocket edition reminds me that this kid is a genetically mutated person to conquer the world and hikaru is like the oak

    Over the board game, Magnus will get an A game 4 sure, and Magnus will NOT win.

    Hey Levi… Please share this game with Kramnik, for analysis..

    Magnus Carlson!!!!!!! The milker is back!!!!!🎉🎉🎉

    They say history repeats itself.
    Remember when Kasparov couldn't win against kid Magnus

    Day 3 of asking Gotham to play "King of the Bridge" on Steam. It iz a chess game I promise 🙃🙃🙃

    5:50 Making me doubt that the rattling I'm hearing is the rain over here in the Netherlands, but it really is.

    Blitz and bullet don't really show people's true skills. It measures their speed thinking. #classical

    I can you YOUR soul!!!!
    I know you allways cheers for Magnus!!! (Except when he playing against prodigies)

    There is a match Between me and a rendom opponent he had 5 queen and at the last I got the stalemate.. How can I send you the game will you take my game

    It was so kind of you to wish a Happy Ramadan. With all the antisemitism and Islamophobia in the world, we need a month of peace.

    "O mankind! We created you from a man and a women, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. And Allah is all-knowing and all-aware."
    – Quran 49:13

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