The Best Piece In All Of Chess

What’s the best piece in chess? It’s not what you think.

Sources if you want to learn more:


This video includes Chess Memes also.

This video is a joke and should not be taken seriously

This video tries to be educational while being funny.
I make these videos to entertain while learning chess with you.

While I am not sacrificing the rook like GothamChess, female like Anna Cramling or BotezLive, cheeky like Frank, smart as Chessscape, making memes like Top Chess, rapping like Bobby BoJanlle, or as good as Hikaru or Magnus Carlsen, I still try to be entertain and join me on my journey on becoming a “good” chess player while I make entertaining videos trying to learn the game of chess

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%1$ Comments228

    Hmmm….the most powerful piece would be "the GOD Pawn" ….just like a pawn but it cannot be taken.

    Chessboard: most powerful piece

    Powers: can move like the queen horse king and pawn
    Ultimate ability: flips the whole game and makes you win

    The frog checker : A frog that can move 3 squares in one direction and can check in any direction

    Hook rider in Tai shogi:πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘„πŸ‘οΈ

    No king no games so king is da best

    Oh so I wonder chess didn't update since the 18 thousands

    Duck Chess

    The bishop, coz it's always blocking the mate

    Bro those are not real chess piece there is
    Only knight,pawn,bishop,king,rook and queen

    Bro said the King is a powerful piece when it is actually the most vulnerable πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

    Guys I think this is the development of chess 2

    Let me guess the grasshoppers, is mexican

    Btw I’m Mexican

    Queen with a nucearl bomb with a power of a supernova

    If you have the knight piece fused with the queen

    As soon as the game starts it's already checkmate LOL

    bro these are fan made make a real vid of saying the real most important piece

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