The BIGGEST Mistake Chess Players Make #shorts

This is the Biggest & Most Common Mistake that Most Chess Players Make. Beginners & intermediate players immediately exchange when they get a chance. Remember, this golden rule – ‘To Take is a Mistake’.
#Shorts #ChessTalk #Chess

%1$ Comments464

    How can i buy this chess set. Can u send the link. This is beautiful chess, 💞💞

    Whats wrong with h3? If knight takes knight then you take back with your center pawn and push f4

    Rather than it i would just move pawn from h2 to h3 it would be much better than wasting so many moves.

    Excellent advice, and I have been trying to teach my students this. The only exception I make is when the opponent has a piece absolutely in your face posted up and that's just too strong to ignore so I'll encourage a capture of that piece but in a position like this where it's more fluid this is exactly the way to go.

    Sir are you a chess teacher? I remember you i think

    Chess Talk: “Remember this golden rule, To take is a mistake”
    Me: Not taking a free Queen after his advice

    Oponent: blunders Queen
    Me: "to take is a mistake" and attacks his queen.

    We need more educational chess videos like this that teach general strategy rather than opening traps and rare tactics. This is what chess is all about.

    I would play h3 but that’s probably why I’m sub 1000 Elo

    9.99 … 1Million soon… Congratulations 🥳🤩🎉

    Which chess app is this?? And which is best chess app

    What if you play pawn to h3 instead?

    But for intermediate players, for 3 min games, its good to take and trust your endgame skills are better than the opponents'

    Opponent hangs his queen. “ to take is a mistake “

    "To take is a mistake"
    1000 rating players: nah imma take that free pawn and hang my queen

    the biggest mistake most chess players make is realize too late, some not at all is the fact that Jose and Bobby were correct …chess is a boring memorization game

    A question….what if we exchange bishops after exchanging knights???

    I was thinking to take the pawn from f2 to f3 is it a good move?

    Plz make a video on magnus vs pragnananddha

    what's wrong with h3? Isnt having an "escape route" for the king good? I get that you exchange development for defense, but is there a tactical downside other than just not developing

    That's a losing position after exchanges Bro## opponent will win eventually

    What about pawn h3? Seems like a solid move to me

    plz pin me
    love the quotation to take is the mistake

    “to take is a mistake” isn’t a good rule to follow. You should definitely analyze the situation but sometimes taking is the best move and if you follow that rule you’ll always miss it

    I'm a 1000 and i was like in my head: yeah maybe I'll take or if I'm being fancy I'll just move the knight 🤐🤐 I'm surprised it was the superior move

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