The Hans Niemann Story Continues…

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%1$ Comments642

    hey levy, i just wanted to thank you. i fell around 770s last month and stopped playing rapids. after seeing one of your shorts explaining the london system, i restarted playing at the beginning of this month and i started to win good, so much so that im 845 again. it works really well against players around my level.

    Irina Mihaela most exciting game of the year…who can do the most incredible move it’s like a phantasy adventure spell battle on those internet ads that always pop up.

    Well he is not cheating against me " Fabiano Caruana"

    "it is important you know what I'm taking about", this is why I subscribe

    on fabiano's highest elo, ''He is cooking, and hes not telling you what the ingredients are.. hes letting the taste of the food speak for itself'' lmao savage

    Candidates… be afraid be very afraid, Fabi is coming.

    I love how Levy has the same hairdew as each year comes and go's 🙂


    The computer…errrr….chess speaks for itself.

    The fact that Hans is still allowed to play in any FIDE tournament is a disgrace to every GM who dedicated their lives to the game. This clowns 2000 level analysis is an absolute joke. He gets smoked by 2300-2400s in the FIDE Rapid & Blitz Chess Championship, yet supposedly is almost 2700. Single handedly introduced a massive cheating era of online chess which has also led to a deflation in rating for the top GMs in the world who are now losing points to cheaters. What an absolute joke and disgrace to the chess community.

    It’s sad to be Arabic and seeing Arabic players losing all the time in your recaps🤣
    Except the one time Salem Saleh defeated Kramnik I think when he sacked the Rook!

    The chess speaks for itself — Hans
    The food speaks for itself — Fabi
    The book speaks for itself — Levy

    I wonder why Raunak decided to draw by repetition instead of offering Hikaru a draw.

    "White plays C4, trying to completely explode the center. No pawn intended." This must be one of my favorite quotes 2023!

    #Suggestion Fataliyeva Ulviyya vs Aleksandra Goryachkina Round 4. Berlin Defense: No Draw, Ve play

    wait how is she a gm when only 2200, no hate but i thought you had to be 2500

    Alright already I bought the book! Get it on 11/6/2023. Added it to one of amazon orders so I could get free shipping so only effectively cost me around $13. I promise to leave a review. Honestly really looking forward to it, if only so I can continue beating the pants off Gotham Subs! xD

    It's been a while since Levy last screamed "The ROOOOOOK"

    Women's chess has been popping off lately, Bulmaga vs Sandu was spectacular omg

    Got my book! Haven’t started reading yet, but I’m super excited to this weekend!

    I want magnus to play Italian and then play Bb5 XD

    "No pawn intended" is the next "THE ROOK!"

    Was that Gotham’s first time saying Fuck on screen?

    My rating increased from 1550 to 1900. Thank you for the book, Levy!

    "win or the universe explodes" really speak to my OCD 😀

    damn that Mihaela vs Irina game was like a starcraft base trade game

    Congrats on the book!
    It's been a while since I've been here.
    By the way, I end all my classes with "Get out of here."
    Your fault. 🙂

    I learned more chess from the Britney Spears book (where's my pin of shame goddammit!, I keep trying)

    Ramazan is a beast!
    Also, I didn't know Alan Pichot left Argentina.. sad to see another argentinian leave :/

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