The HANS Sicilian!

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%1$ Comments181

    Hans needs no introduction – finally someone who understands that chess speaks for itself

    I am from Spain, my friend in Texas referred me to this channel you make a lot of sense but I do not understand anything until she referred me to a financial counselor in USA that help me to craft my portfolio and over a year we have been working together making consistent profit enough to get me a new apartment and care for parents.

    Why are we watching the cheat Hans? And why are you showing male players whooping female players like it's something to be amazed at? The elo difference is ~330

    Hans Moke Neimann might be next world champion.

    If engine on or off it literally doesn't matter. He has focus. He has health.

    The CHEATER'S Sicilian. He's probably been cheating in EACH and every single one of his online games. You'll never again believe the liar! He's done for, FINISHED!!!!

    Great game, both played very well but Hans outplayed her at the end, nice job by Hans .

    The Lela device inserted inside his tongue Sicilian…

    I really hope Hans' arse had nothing to do with this.
    Nice game

    The camera speaks for itself

    What’s the actual status of Niemann‘s lawsuit against Carlsen? And how are the chances Carlsen has to pay?

    And it was in this position that Agad's camera resigned

    All the problems with the camera happen in Hans' games

    I miss when Agad used to put R, C, or B in the top left. Now I can't tell if games are classical, rapid, or blitz!

    A Niemann video will get you an automatic thumbs down and this comment, but no view.

    Why is this cheater on your channel?? I dont get it

    Radio broadcast by Agadmator 😁😁

    Divya deshmuk looks really hot and my fav WGM

    Hey Sir,
    please. analysis this game for me.

    Fisher Vs saidy 1957 1-0 png. is as below

    White to move. Last: 20…Qh4


    The Sicilian Defense: the Engine variation xDDDDD

    Agad's camera said goodbye much earlier for a change

    I checked the openings on multiple website and Ke2 doesn't have a name

    😂 even Agad’s camera doesn’t wanna see Hans. I mean (2700 against 2300) expected.

    I love your channel. This is a guy beating on a lady.

    #Suggestion. 1949 game between Efim Bogoljubov and none other than Lothar Schmid. It was a four knights scotch that turned into a wild series of desperados

    Of course the man always win. he uses skill, a silly woman uses luck.

    I’ve heard that Hans has said that the Sicilian doesn’t require a bathroom break.

    11:32 you’ve seen it in bullet but we haven’t seen you
    John cena

    I have seen Hans in Belgrade at the Orthodox New year 2023.. He was drunk as f**k 😂

    That time when agadmator's video became a podcast.

    I don't think I ever got to see Agadmator disappear from his own videos, great wizard stuff.

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