The HANS Sicilian!

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%1$ Comments181

    Why didn’t you make a video about the last game of the world championship?

    Hans's photo looks like a villain from Game of Thrones or something

    So the camera dies and we don't even get a "sorry about that"? This is a new and more relaxed Agadmator, simply shrugging it off, "it happened, so were not gonna worry about it." And it was in this position Antonio decided to "Don't Worry, Be Happy…" I like it, the McFerrin Gambit. Well played.

    She seemed like she played like a nervous player would Hans did dominate I’m sure she’s an excellent player but no match for Hans in this one Thanks for the Game I enjoy seeing newer videos of Games Appreciated

    Han's backdoor transmitter interfered with the camera signal.

    It’s called the Sicilian defense – Stockfish variation

    Nic (J Bruce Feynman Niccolo P. Bentulan) says:

    2nd comment: 2016 WCC – This is relevant to the 2023 WCC.

    Please agad cover the other decisive game of the Sergey Karjakin vs Magnus Carlsen 2016 WCC (Game 10, where that TALENTLESS patzer won). #suggestion

    What happened is that Magnus lost to Sergey AS WHITE in Game 8 but then compensated for a white loss with A WHITE WIN in Game 10. This is what happened to Ding Liren & Nepo for Games 2 & 4 of the 2023 WCC.

    Fun fact for Game 8 – 'After the game Carlsen was visibly uncomfortable and left the press conference before it began, potentially incurring a fine of 5% of his prize money to the organizers Agon, and a further 5% to FIDE.[59] FIDE released a statement the following day indicating that the penalty would be imposed.[61] The fine was reduced on appeal to 5% of the prize money (2.5% to Agon and 2.5% to FIDE).[62]'

    For Game 10: Wesley So has some interesting thoughts that DEFY STOCKFISH, as Wesley So did in 2021 St Louis Chess 9LX with the move that won the chessc*m 2021 move of the year award. (Wesley So thinks white 'still had an edge' even though the computer says black is slightly winning.)

    Some maths:

    Why doesn't a drawn match go to the player w/ more black wins (if any) s.t. Sergey Karjakin not Magnus Carlsen is 2016 WCC? Surely a black win is worth more than a white win. But you might argue 2 draws with black amounts to a win with black. Does it? No question about it in chess960, where there's no theory. In chess? Gestalt psychology says the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

    Other suggestions:

    Women's chess

    A – Was Kg6 in Dina's 1st GM slaying game in Reykjavik sexism? Like looking down on Dina?

    B – Anna Cramling's dad beats Mikhail Tal. #suggestion

    C – Philippine women's chess #suggestion – WGM Janelle Frayna, the female Wesley So, upset Georgian GM (really GM not just WGM) Bela Khotenashvili at the 2022 world blitz.

    There's a 13-move UNDERPROMOTION puzzle here.

    [Variant "From Position"]

    [FEN "6k1/6b1/1p1P3p/6pP/3pPpP1/p2NqP2/6K1/5Q2"]

    1. Qd1 a2 2. Qb3+ Kf8 3. d7 Qe2+ 4. Nf2 Ke7 5. Qd5 Kd8 6. Qe6 Bf6 7. Qe8+ Kc7 8. Qc8+ Kd6 9. e5+ Qxe5 10. d8=R+ Bxd8 11. Qxd8+ Kc6 12. Qa8+ Kb5 13. Qxa2

    For some reason none of the Philippine channels except Kelvinllovejr even cover this game. LOL. But Janelle did cover the game where e drew against Nemo, so maybe Janelle will cover this game later on.

    P.S. Please help get Wesley So on Lex Fridman's podcast. See


    Nic (J Bruce Feynman Niccolo P. Bentulan) says:

    Lol 5 fake WCs. Bobby Fischer would agree with everything here.

    – 2016, 2018, 2023 WCC – settled in rapid. Winner didn't have more black classical wins

    – 2019 WFRCC – real!

    – 2021 WCC – Magnus cheated Nepo

    – 2022 WFRCC – rapid disguised as classical

    In the last 3 classical WCC matches that were drawn in classical portion, it's a Jewish guy (Sergey, Fabi, Nepo) who draws against a gentile (Magnus, Magnus, Liren) who is more favoured in rapid and the favoured gentile wins. Coincidence?

    Why is it that for 2016 – 2023

    – the fake WCs (2016, 2018, 2021, 2022, 2023) are won by the bad guys (Magnus, Magnus, Magnus, Hikaru, Liren) over the good guys (Sergey, Fabi, Nepo, Nepo & Wesley So, Nepo)

    – while the real WCs (2019) are won by the good guys (Wesley So & Nepo) over the bad guys (Magnus)


    – bad guys: magnus carlsen, garry kasparov, FIDE, veselin topalov, hikaru nakamura, ding liren, chess itself

    – good guys: wesley so, bobby fischer, sergey karjakin, vladimir kramnik, hans niemann, ian nepomniachtchi, chess960 itself

    Btw, when was the last time someone led with black in the classical portion of any world chess (or chess960) championship match and then later the opponent not only caught up was even leading (but needn't have ultimately won) ?

    A white win & 2 black draws compensates for a white loss? Really? Gestalt psychology says the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. If chess didn't have drawn rounds like basketball baseball csgo valorant etc then every white loss would have to be compensated by a black win.

    Eh then again I wouldn't want every game to be classical armageddon with auction. But with chess960 yes there are draws but there isn't really a white advantage (as long as you play both colours BUT different position so whomever gets black 1st doesn't have an advantage), so go ahead compensate a white loss with a white win for all I care.

    0.1 – 'If all the chess professionals played Fischer Random, our game could have been much more popular.' — Alexander Grischuk

    Classical chess960 would make every game exciting for the audience and be less stressful for the players. There will be no more draws by theory.

    Of course Fischer random chess is better than chess960 by 0.1%.

    0.2 – Classical armageddon (WITH AUCTION) would make every game exciting without eliminating theory or preparation and is better than rapid & blitz tiebreaks. Besides, it's interesting to see how low players will bid for black Vs white's 120min.

    1 – Armageddon is only fair if there's an auction. Who's to say no one would bid lower than 4min for black vs 5min white?

    2 – Using 5min vs 4min Armageddon as a tiebreaker for something initially classical is ridiculous especially if Armageddon has no increment.

    But eh if you're already playing rapid and blitz to break ties for classical then whatever. What a great example set in the 2016 & 2018 WCCs, using rapid instead of classical Armageddon with auction.

    Such an example continued to the 2022 WFRCC where Wesley So got lower time controls from the 2019 WFRCC for no good reason. Lower time controls are to break draws. Why lower time controls for Wesley So in the 2022 WFRCC when Wesley So WON the 2019 WFRCC? Very good reason to consider Hikaru as the rapid WFRCC while Wesley So is still the classical WFRCC.

    Still, to break any classical tie, why not classical chess960 or classical chess Armageddon instead?

    3 – Classical Armageddon for either chess or chess960 would be interesting because in sufficiently high time controls, black may give up more than half the time of white. The closest I've seen is the 2013 USCC between Gata Kamsky and (errrr) (….) (errrr), which was slow rapid though not classical. It's 24:45 Vs 50min after you add increment to 19:45 vs 45min. Oh yes actually Armageddon games have increment! At least they did 1 decade ago.

    4 – I've actually come to realise that chess is a completely unfair game if you don't play both colours.

    Often you play swiss & single round robin with uneven white & black games. And even if they are even, you could've done better or worse depending on your colour.

    I think Yasser asked Wesley So if double elimination in the 2023 American Cup should be used also for the USCC. Actually it's fairer to do even single elimination because in knockouts you always play both colours except Armageddon.

    Regardless of logistic practicality, seems to me the only fair thing if you're insisting on swiss & single round robin is:

    4.1 – Play both colours. If it's 1 win each, then it's simply a draw.

    4.2 – Play single game still but Armageddon.

    4.3 – Play chess960 instead. Who cares if you're black? I don't mind if I play black in chess960 for the rest of my life, but I hate every single time I play black in chess.


    P.S. Please help get Wesley So on Lex Fridman's podcast. See


    Hans, the East German female swimmer of the 1976 Summer Olympics.

    are we really watching his games? instant dislike. chess community shouldnt support cheaters. disguisting

    That'll put marzipan in your pie plate, Bingo! says:

    I miss your sofa dog.

    the invisible man is the most dangerous opponent of all !

    "And it was in this position i turned the camera off" 😂

    Agad, please put Laser Eyes on Hans pic. Thanks.

    It was in this position, on move 40, that the camera resigned the game

    @agadmator i dare you to find a name for going King e2 in that position. I will be waiting!

    Why do you cover a game of a cheater? I don't get it.

    I thought in Sports, Men and Women cannot face each other… I guess the equality is going to the next level, by the way women already have more rights than men in the modern world.

    1:43 reminds me of the of the long running meme of this channel, "Never google Kevin Spraggett".

    The quote above from the fallen hero really made me sad

    "you cant make a move that doesnt have a name"
    rook to g1

    wau, why are you celebrating cheater in game against so lowrated player?

    And it was in this position on time 10:45 that camera resigned the game as there is nothing more to be shown here.

    Agadmator without camera feels so surreal for some reason.😂

    And it was in this position that Agadmator's camera resigned the game, as there was nothing more to be shown here.

    Am i the only one who thinks his name is "Han 'Smokin' Eeman"

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