The Legendary PAWN VS Legendary KING & QUEEN. THE FINAL | Chess Memes

The Legendary PAWN VS Legendary KING & QUEEN. THE FINAL | Chess Memes

PepeChess is a dedicated Chess channel that brings Comedy & Memes through the game of Chess.


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%1$ Comments485

    Bur where was the video that the pawn killed all pieces on the board

    this was the best video i watched it was so fire i started crying

    This pawn has better writing than most anime characters

    How about legendary pawn vs ad bishop??

    The king talked about his INCREBILE INTELLIGENCE but in Legendary Pawn vs 600 queens it showed that king didn’t save the pawns and just ate a unnecessary pawn instead of getting 3 queens because he wanted to

    have you watched episode 100 of top chess they added so much lore but this is [pure lore hope you to do a colab is the topchess episode wasn't one hope you get 100k soon!

    I have no words that was the best story ive ever heard

    Man U deserve more subs for this stuff like what is this chess anime

    The king and the queen are the villan

    I feel like the story of the pawn is so sad that he have to kill the kings and queens for the balance and revenge for his brother because of the king didn't protected them to the king not kill them and queens them

    Who needs animes & Movies when this series exists?

    Bro the pawn become saitama known as one punch man

    brilliant idea for the next video like this:make hikuro and ryuji back to existance and team up with the legendary pawn to fight the queen and kings power combined!i wanna see the legendary pawns reaction

    YOU SHOULD CREATE A LEGENDARY SCHOOL (sorry i had caps lock on)

    I think a rook a pawn and a bishop is worth the same as a queen and a king is worth 0 so technically there the same also doesn't the rook want to protect the king


    is it your own voice? Bro!! Youtube is yours. Sooner or later you will conquer youtube.

    Congrats on 10k, hopefully this series gets you to 100k soon. Keep doing amazing work!

    the fused legendary
    A glitched chess piece combined every single pawn,rook, bishop & knight into one
    the same goes with the Queen & King both vs the glitched qxk3 checkmate at 9 H…

    Holy that's a good story felt like a 30 minute chess movie

    The legendary rook pawn horsey bishop are welll good friends rn but the legendary queen and king are still the four gods

    Top chess vs Pepechess think? who gonna win in a chess match.
    bishop vs legendary pawn, if it happen i think the world of chess will be gone

    And then the legendary bishop pawn knight rook to fight the fusion of king and queen

    like this is a anime full on chess anime i hope hiruko and ryuji will come back as legendary pawns and will finished the fuseion of the king and queen and the rest will be them

    honostly bro like as soon as the king and queen cfused i knew it becouse not the queen dont need to be controlled becuse king is in him and its game over for them but i still voted for the pawn that he will win

    If they get to kill the God, they will become mythical pieces?

    Bishop: rook wasnt ur goal to protect all king

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