The Legendary PAWN VS Legendary KING & QUEEN. THE FINAL | Chess Memes

The Legendary PAWN VS Legendary KING & QUEEN. THE FINAL | Chess Memes

PepeChess is a dedicated Chess channel that brings Comedy & Memes through the game of Chess.


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%1$ Comments485

    Rook got emotional damage after he killed the king and in the end

    I hope Hiruko and Ryuji will appear in the 2nd Season. Imagine the legendary king and queen fighting the legendary Brothers.

    I think after this video pepechess died becose of all that editing

    I clicked faster than Wally West on Speed

    I been wondering that the queen is the villain

    Fr the Kings and Queens are the villans forever

    The bishop when the end and what he says 😂😂😂😂

    blud, why cant pawn just get killed and kill the kueen (queen + king)

    the grammar has seemed wrong for a while but its ok.

    This was the best chess video ever PepeChess and top chess went all out

    Bro I thought there no hell
    But what the legendary pawn said

    What next the legendary cheakers

    It's so funny when the L.Bishop ask the L.Rook that he said he will protect all king and after that the L.Rook realise that he just kill the king and the rook start crying 😂😂😂😂😂😂


    How did bro go from making chess skits to making better movies than Prime Dreamworks?


    The Rook killed a king but wasn't his goal to protect every King

    You keep suprising with vids of theese and the plot was so good that the queen didnt relize it

    Theory: The legendary king and queen are now fused together to take on the gods of the void what if 1 or 2 of the gods were the pawns brothers. It could be that the brothers fused together are one of the gods, or they are both there own individual gods.

    Theory 2: At this point it is pretty much confirmed we will get a quadruple fusion with all the legendary pieces what if the gods of chess are the brethren of the legendary queen and king so what if the gods of the void and the legendary queen and king all fuse together and we will see that fusion go against all the legendary pieces fused

    Theory 3: what if all the legendary pieces are from one board idk about the bishop and knight but what if the rook grew his loyalty from the game where the king sacrafised the pawns and the rooks thought that since the king was so nice to them they would protect every king

    Theory 4: what if we get a entire legendary chess board. Say the Queen and king defeat the gods of the void what if they absorb the power of the gods. After that happens the legendary pieces would start a army so a entire legendary chess board with 15 pieces cuz they don’t have a queen. And the legendary pieces could be from the void world.The pieces that would be apart of the army would be:

    Bishops: The legendary bishop said he had fought with the legendary pawn before in the past so what happened to the second bishop? I think it was sacrificed so when the void dimension opens the bishop would be reunited

    Pawn: there are 8 pawns on a board we have one that leaves 7 I think the pawns brothers would be free from the void dimension and the legendary pawns would teach them how to awaken that leaves 5 what If the 5 strongest warriors from the shaolin temple of pawn would be the rest?

    Queen: the video where the pawn made his first entrance he defeated 50 queens but spared 2 I think one of those 2 would join the legendary board

    Knight: in the previous video Pepe chess made he had 3 stockfish horseys and one of them almost awakened what if we get a part 2 of that video and that same knight awakens the other knight would come from this video

    Rooks: in theory 3 I said something about the reason the rooks were so loyal to the king were because the king sacrificed so much just so the rooks can get glory in the theory I also said that I think one of those rooks might have been the one to awaken, so I think the other rook would awaken later on

    I’m surprised u read this much tysm for reading it all


    Even tho this isn't gonna get seen I'm still gonna write everything they said in this video cuz I'm boerd

    Edit: Narrator: Let me tell you a story… About a Legendary pawn. (The Pawn The Story) Once upon a time lived a black pawn A normal chess piece among other. For thousands of years, him and his two brother Hikuro and Ryuji were fighting in the frontline. It is said that kings and queens do not have a lot of consideration for pawns, or any chess piece as a matter of fact. Thus they will sacrifice anyone for their goal. The Legendary pawn and his 2 brothers Fought relentlessly in the board of chess… In hope to one day promote to a queen. Their story and adventures were filled with blood sweat and tears.. The Legendary pawn started to grow a deep hate in his heart for the kings… as they were the one making decisions putting him and his brother at risk. It is said that when a chess piece dies it does not go to heaven or hell, but is simply reincarnated into another game that is yet to start the enemies will be the same. the allies will be the same. the kings will be the same… which means that the 3 brothers were not separated upon death. Unfortunately Kings and Queens grew tired of always facing the same opponent for years, thus over a council they decided to change the rules. The new rules was written has followed: "when a game ends, the next one will be designated with different enemies" "Only the king and queens will stay together" "but the other pieces fighting for them and against them will be different soldiers." This had no impact for the king and queen has they will be together forever, but for the one fighting for them it means that their friendship would end, their brotherhoods will be lost and any connections they made with one another will be lost. The rules was decided on May 19 1984 which was the turning point for the Legendary pawn… He knew that him and his brother would have their last chance to play together. The Legendary book of chess also added 2 new rules : 1) If a pawn promotes to a queen during his game, he shall stay a queen forever. 2) If a pawn dies during a game without promoting His soul.. shall be lost in in the void of chess forever… Every piece were informed about this new rule… the Legendary pawn, Hiruko and Ryuji knew that this day would be their last game together. The last chance… The last hope… The last opportunity. The goal was clear Make it to the frontline. Or die. forever.. That final game was going on their favor as the black king has outplayed and outsmarted the white king The frontline was finally right infront of them after all the pain they had gone through their dream was finally a few steps ahead… The saying that kings do not have a lot of consideration for pawns is infact true… although the pawn were about to promote the king decided they had done enough they were simply a distraction method in his tactic he could have promoted the 3 of them but decided otherwise. Out of rage of what just happened a burst of energy suddenly appeared on the Legendary pawn The Legend says that an unprecedented event happened on that day. It is said that every piece on the battle field were slaughter that day. a bath of blood was on the floor none of the pieces made it alive except the black pawn this story was kept private and hidden from the public as the story seemed to disturbing to be revealed. After that the Legendary Pawn spent time by himself wandering alone in the void of chess… Has he also, was confused of what happened he had a burst of rage so intestine a magical power was awakened in his body However it was ye first time of him doing that. It was not on purpose… and his memory were very blurry about what happened. He knew that something strange occured, but it was very hard for him to remember The only thing he could tell was certainty… is that his two brothers were dead. On that day he made a promise to himself to change the rules of chess to get rid of every kings and queen and to free all the piece working for them. Unfortunately has his power were not fully developed nor did he know how to use them again, he had no choice but to get back in the battlefield and to serve under a king again. was it luck.. or was was it fate? he managed to survive more then 57 games working under the black kings. Over that period of time the hatred in his heart grew bigger and bigger. he still has to serve under a king after what happened… He really wanted to change the world of chess. The second turning point was on the 58th game the Legendary Pawn had finally found the secret to enlightenment he found the truth of this world every secret to the universe enveil infront of his eyes. From that point on… chess was nothing but a child's game to him… as he had become what you can call… A God However he held that promise dearly… He would not stop until every kings and queen are anihilated and the chess piece liberad. Has he ventured into his new journey, the rumor about the Legendary pawn spread very rapidly and more pieces began to awaken one by one first it was the pawn then a ROOK followed a knight appeared, and finally… a bishop every piece awakened due to a desire to was dear to them they all fought for something they own reason the Legendary Pawn wants to change the chess world, even if it means taking the dark road. The Legendary rook wants to protect every king in the king in the world has he was given the title of the strongest piece after a queen,and is very grateful to that. the Legendary knight, being the only piece that can jump above the enemy wanted to jump so high he would reach space and be the freest piece in the world the Legendary bishop wanted to become the fastest piece in the world. able to go faster then light itself The Legendary Pawn and the Legendary Rook having opposite ideals the fight was inevitable… a intense battle began in the realm of chess. Despite a good effort the Rook ended up being outmatched by the Legendary Pawn. by coincidence the Legendary Rook and the Legendary Knight happened to have met each other after awakening… Being a Legendary piece the Knight could feel the intense battle that was happening and rushed to help the Rook fighting the Pawn they fought relentlessly for hours but eventually once again…the Legendary Pawn got the upper hand. Facing such a tremendous power, the Knight and the rook knew they had to use a forbidden move a technique that would let them fuse together. Ok so I'm boerd to countinue this it's already been 6:03 minutes into the video I'll just countinue when this gets 10 likes or smth. So I'll be back when that happens and I spent an hour doing this until here

    this is so COOL i like the video and enjoy it

    Best channel ever UNDERRATED you deserve 100K subs keep it up!

    man i cant wait for the next one i can tell it is going to be awesome and great

    17:27 that’s so cool why doesn’t anyone like only 834 likes out of 20 K people

    i love the pawn bro stuff the queen and king

    bro i was sweating i thought the rook,bishop,knight, and pawn will die xd nice anime oh i mean chess!

    The king is useless lets sac the king instead

    I just see top chess 100 episode and after the video i see this video both of them are amazing. I have a question
    Do you mind in future or you guys are going to make a collaboration?

    So is no one gonna talk about how the subtitles read pawn as “porn” 💀

    I just reilized they fused now the legendary pieces should be really scared if or when they find out but why did they not fuse in the first place

    Rook wasn't ur job to protect every iing ahahahahhahahahahaha

    Legendary Pawn: Broken
    Legendary Rook: Good
    Legendary Knight: Good
    Legendary Bishop: (Dont Have Backstory)
    Legendary Queen: Pure Evil
    Legendary King: Pure Evil

    The final battle between good and evil wait sorry wrong one

    legendary pawn, legendary bishop legendary king, legendary queen, legendary rook and now where's legendary ad bishop

    16:19 poor rook he was so good at doing his job, but not his quest

    The pawn ain't the bad guy, he doesn't want his brothers to die in vain

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