The MAIN Reason Why You LOSE This Chess Endgame

The MAIN Reason Why You LOSE This Chess Endgame

According to Mark Dvoretsky, A. Studenecki suggested the floating-square rule in chess in 1939. If a square whose two corners are occupied by pawns (on the same rank) reaches the edge of the board, then one of those pawns must queen. In Today’s video I explain in details how this rule functions.

Enjoy! Thanks for watching!

%1$ Comments64

    At the start he made a red square and I can’t unsee it now

    Why can't I after black Kf6 go to a pawn? I can just take it and black loses

    Who else loved how those circling arrows revolved around the kings

    I’ve had this endgame and ended by stalemate but never came back

    I wished I knew this trick earlier. I was in a position where I sacrificed an exchange to get to this type of position, but my pawns were one square too far behind, so I lost both my pawns, and the game.

    Keep in mind that I could have won if I didn't make the exchange sacrifice. I had also used so much brainpower to that 30-minute game. It was a shame that I lost.

    you put the 2black pawn and the king in higher place

    I never knew there was another box rule, this one will be useful in endgames

    Are you Romanian? Cuz you sound like Bogdan from Breaking Bad

    Why don’t you just move the pawns up? Get it?

    There is a simpler rule, called the "rule of 7". You start counting the rank of the two pawns, taking as rank nr. 1 the 1st rank of their own side. Then you add the number of squares separating the two pawns to the number of the rank. If the total sum is 7 or more, one pawn is promoted without the assistance of the K. For example, here we have: in the first example, the two black pawns are on the 4th rank (counting from the black side!) and they are separated by three pawns. 4+3 = 7, so the promotion of one pawn is achieved. In the second case, the pawns are on the 3rd rank (from their own side) and they are still separated by 3 squares. 3+3 = 6, the promotion cannot be achieved. Cool, eh? 😎

    Wait why can't you just go like king c4 c3

    You literally moved them up from the 5th rank to 6th

    This doesn't work for Black pawns on a3 and c3, white ling on b3

    The second condition you can push 2 blocks beacuase it is the first pawn move

    Cant you just pusj the H pawn as white after black moves, and then push it again, black king would have to capture, and then h pawn promotes? Correct me if im wrong, im only 252 elo

    Hold up if king turns to stop him white rook goes to the front king wont be able to stop him then

    it's very useful to know the FLOATING SQUARE Trick…Especially when you are low on time…

    When the pawn is going to promote to a queen check the black king by the pawn and you will have time to kill the pawn

    And that kids, is why you should always learn the difference of a rectangle and a square

    How can I win in this position with white

    i dived into the chess endgame rabbit hole and there is so much i have to learn

    Why didnt Qc6 just push Pa6 after Qg7 move to f6?

    Why did you put the king in center always. Why not go near the edge pawn hahha

    4 conditions it has to be you’re turn

    I think this would be rare because the center pawn is always eaten

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