The One Chess Trick You Must Know

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#annacramling #chess #shorts

%1$ Comments168

    I did this so many times i called it the win gambit

    Anna, is so charming…a very interesting young lady.

    I am more interested interested in seeing the opening setup for this move. How was black's pawn structure even possible?

    The one chess trick u must know: Anna Cramling 😂

    I actually had this happen in a game. Smashed it!

    Hello. Can you please post the full video where you played against an Italian opera singer? I saw the video on shorts and i loved it. I would like to see the full video

    What happens when our queen 👑 gives check to the king by standing besides king can the king kill our queen ???? I have played many game like in that king kills queen but what's the real rule?

    Your cow opening will lead me from 700 to 1600 ELO

    I put up a Cramling altar in my room with a cow figurine and a chess board on cow opening. 🙂

    My knight would not be on E5 in the first place. So I dont.think i ever seen this sequence

    I agree. I hope you're right.

    Laughing maniacally as I play the Vienna Gambit with d3

    You had a similar situation in a game you posted recently and didn't make the move.

    Jeez, my brains literally like that SpongeBob/Patrick meme, "Write that down, WRITE THAT DOWN!!! 🤓🧽🔭" Lol!

    I seriously did get that concept wrong in a puzzle one time, and have never done it since

    Is it just me or she really has a big mouth

    This one trick will make sure you can identify who she is! Look up Piper Perri on google. This girl is her!

    on repeat x 35 with lounge music on the background. good

    Yeah I got so many people with this pattern when I was going through 600-1000 ratings

    So uh, just dont take the knight? Even people who play chess yesterday saw that lmao

    Once you've seen that, you will forever know that.

    After taking rook, F6 pawn is free so capture it to gain an advantage!

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