The One Chess Trick You Must Know

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#annacramling #chess #shorts

%1$ Comments168

    Useful points. Thank you Anna. Lately I’ve been wondering if you would ever throw a game. I hope not.

    Sorry but you are levy rozman sabo Pasha 😂

    1 of the 3 best chess channels I've found👏

    This is the angriest I’ve ever seen Anna

    We can take the pawn because the pawn is pinned? Is that an accurate statement?

    I'm a beginner and a bit confused why this is good. You've just traded horse for rook, isn't that just equal.

    This is the 10th puzzle in every single puzzle rush

    But hey, isnt it better to take another pawn with a check?

    I’ll probably forget in like 30 seconds.

    i swear i just loooooove Anna. the cutest pie

    What if you have scleroze you still remember?! 🤔😉

    There's more to life than chess like draughts/checkers

    This literally just came up as my next puzzle… wth

    Anyway it's White's turn so pinned or not it would still work

    my dumb brain thinking sacking the knight on g6 was the move 💀

    can't the opponent move rook instead of taking it with pawn?

    Can anyone give me 5 to 10 books for beginners rated 700-800. I really want to improve 😅, please

    and the queen takes the rrrroooooookkkkkk!

    shes so cute when she finds a confident move.

    Once in a lifetime scenario with the knight there, not really but ill forget by the time i get it

    I actually did it! I played a game after that and the exact same thing happened and I got the rook. (I lost the game anyway because I'm 700) but it helped haha

    Im the lowest of low chess ranks like only 900 and even I know this one

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