The One Chess Trick You Must Know

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#annacramling #chess #shorts

%1$ Comments168

    But if the horsey wasn't there, the pawn could capture the queen, right?

    Anna, you are the most cute person I've ever seen 😅😁

    Anna I'm a cow fanatic now and only lost once when Q attacked early and I was so focused on getting its ears in place 😀🤣❤

    Just have to figure out how to get my horsie in position now

    Tricks, loopholes, shortcuts, the easy way is the religious way.

    Do you know how rarely even a 1000 leaves such a vulnerability? I'm well beyond this level and struggling vs 1200s. Which is weird because I win well more than half my games against 1500s. My only explanation is that 1200s are more opening focused because I don't know openings. The 1500s probably falsely assume i won't fall for the easy tricks? And focus on midgame where I'm solidly better.

    Qd7 after Kng6 looks fine? Kd8 after that

    U are the sexist chess player of all time no disrespect at all girl just saying

    Thats next level! haha already working on it 😂❤

    I’ve done that puzzle I’d say a hundred times

    Oh non Begaudeau pas toi !

    Bon en vrai ce n'est pas illogique de construire sa pensée politique et de changer d'opinion avec le temps.
    On voit d'ailleurs que maintenant qu'il a une consistance politique il a des positions plus basées.

    Once uve seen that ull forever know that ? A player rated at 2-300 would see and acknowledge that, video is relevant for beginners and if thats the type of audience u were trying to target then that's a fair point

    ….i am 18 Year old…Anna i love you 😍. please reply

    I've been stuck for 2 days playing the woman who taught me.

    You won the Oscar for that oh no… perfomance.Grattis Anna panna 😂😊

    Man I thought that I was the first one to create that😢

    But Why are you screa – ming???

    If checks checks then checks, checks checks check then takes and we have mate

    Man I thought that I was the first one to create that😢

    is she drunk here???? I don't watch a lot of her stuff
    (or is she just excited to teach)

    if she plays drunken chess I might have to check in :3

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