The Pirate’s Chess Puzzle – Episode 4

Puzzle FEN:
rN3k2/8/1P3K2/2P5/8/3b4/8/8 w – – 0 1

Puzzle Details:
Iriarte, 1957

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0:00 – Fisherman Lore
1:06 – Chess Puzzle
8:22 – More Fisherman Lore

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%1$ Comments145

    why even bother asking "who wins"… black hasn't won one of these "puzzles" since who knows when

    It is white to play and win… RIGHT?

    Nice map! Please can we explore the island and possibly make the chess puzzles 'fit' each location?
    Big ask I know!!

    5:01 you can go rook to f7 and win the queen and then win the game

    5:01 black can give a f7 check with the rook and win the queen

    Lol second fisherman did not see that when the rook takes the pawn it's check

    I got all correct

    Edit: this is a master puzzle level (2000+ elo)

    "As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." -Bill Gates

    Going back to the position of the c and b 7 pawns at 4:58, then if Rxb7, white is drawn due to c8=Q being prevented with Rb6+, which is a revealed attack on that very queen with the bishop. The queen's only move to force a draw is Qe6, blocking the check and making a draw.

    Great series

    Also I was messing around with the Syzygy tablebase and found this interesting checkmate with some zugzwang ideas
    k2q4/7R/8/8/8/8/8/2K3R1 w – – 0 1

    my guy could be like: There were three little piggies. There was a big bad wolf, who said, “I will only let the one of you who solves this chess puzzle live.”

    That map… I'm either going to binge watch LOST again or play some Final Fantasy IV now.

    Amazing how many people think that at 5:00 Black can win the queen with a discovered check, when the queen has already given mate.

    If there's a pirate in the story, you have to do a Pirate's VOICE! Arrgh!

    Challeng : (spy chess) you have to push a pawn until you promot it to queen and gate check mate and you only can dilever the check mate with it. you can move your pieces to help your spy but without allerting his king with checks

    Don't stop the story! I think it's a clever way to draw people into these puzzles.

    You are doing a fine job, sir. Thank you.

    How is a queen vs a rook and a bishop a win for white that should be a draw

    I didn't mind the story in the first episode, actively disliked it for the next few, but god damn the dnd nerd in me loves me a good fantasy island map so I'm invested now

    5:01 when white promotes to a queen you can check the white king with the rook which puts a discovered attack on the queen which puts black a rook and bishop up!

    Yeah he must have been Bobby Fischer-man

    I didn't really like the fact that the thumbnail showed part of the solution. I didn't pay much attention to it, but b7 was the first move that came to my mind. I didn't even notice the knight could be captured until further investigation.

    Nelson can I say to you after listening to your Spanish audio language channel you need a better translator, you have such great grammar and are so skilled at English, the person you have doing the voice in Spanish is not doing justice to you, may I recommend for you to ask around and see if I’m not the only one who thinks this, you chose a person with a regional Spanish and not a standard one, I love watching you and I hated the Spanish channel

    I was 100% expecting the map to be an ad for dragon city or some terrible mobile game

    This is the best series on the planet.😂 we all love you chess vibes, congrats on 300k❤

    5:01 Cant rook just give a check and then black has a discovered attack on queen??

    By now the fisherman is probably asking "wait a second, why you all asking me to solve chess puzzles instead of some practical problems? What is this place anyway?"

    Chess Vibes

    Love all your awesome videos. 1:20.

    To me, win for White. Pawns near the other end (to get Queen) to powerful it is, and black won’t be able to stop White from getting a Queen.

    White win.

    I'm waiting for the thing that gives the puzzle to not hold their side of the bargain

    That map looks like it could be for an amusement park.

    I'm sorry for the reference but i couldn't stand it:
    0:180:20 "We just came from a whale"
    And that's how they are "Whale-c*mm"ed

    I love that Bobby Fischerman is his cannon name now

    Its draw beacuse you can do check and discovered atack on queen and then we sacrifise the queen for rook

    I love these stories. It makes the chess puzzles so much more interesting.

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