The Pirate’s Chess Puzzle – Episode 4

Puzzle FEN:
rN3k2/8/1P3K2/2P5/8/3b4/8/8 w – – 0 1

Puzzle Details:
Iriarte, 1957

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0:00 – Fisherman Lore
1:06 – Chess Puzzle
8:22 – More Fisherman Lore

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%1$ Comments145

    4:52 what I don't understand is why black can't play Rc8 because if you take the rook with the pawn and queen, then black takes with the bishop and it's a draw.

    What about rook to b7 and then once queen then rook check and then the bishop is procting the square where the pawn can promote ultimately a win for black

    I solved it from the starting position! It was pretty easy, and obvious. I mean when I saw Be4 I was like wait a minute, but then I saw c6 followed by Ng6 (I paused the video there for a second, but other than that I pretty much solved it without any problem. ) .

    this is great πŸ˜‚ i know this series will be very enjoyable

    I love this mini series. Very much. Please consider tu continue

    This is an amazing series! My guess is endless desert or library is the next episode.

    Also this series would make an awesome chess puzzle book for kids! Not saying anything about challenge level of the puzzles, but the structure would work perfectly for it.

    I love the little story part you attach with each of these puzzle episodes.

    your puzzle videos are the best. focus more on puzzles and please stop playing Martin πŸ˜€

    Hi Nelson, greetings from Argentina.
    Learning chess by an interesting and entretaining story is (at least to me) alwqays a plus. The tatctics are better remebered.
    From my perspective, keep the fishermen stories comming.
    Cheers from NE Patagonia.

    in 5:00 black could play Rf7 check and win the queen with the bishop

    Episode 5: They will meet dragon's lair and be in the dragon. Did i predict?

    I also really like the story telling. It adds another layer

    this story is really interesting, mixed up with the puzzles it's even better. and the map looks really interesting too


    Ok no man this story telling is really cringe sorry. Did you forget that people over the age of 10 also watch you?

    5:01 What happens if black plays Rb6 check and also a discovered attack on the queen? Is this position a draw?

    Real solution: Throw the game, help the pirate move the gold, and kill him along the way and take all the gold. Problem solved.

    i just realize every puzzle is a win for you

    I think by the end of this adventure, those three will never sail again.

    Technically after white queens at 5:00, black can check whites king with his rook and win the queen with a discovery.

    First time I solved one of those and it happened to be the first line I considered. Thanks for the puzzle!

    I appreciate the timestamps, the story isn't for me, I just enjoy the puzzles πŸ™‚

    αš±αš¨α›’αš¨αšΎ α›žα›–αš± α›’α›šαš¨α›ƒαšΊαšΊα›– says:

    "Zugzwang" is more pronounced like "Tsoogtsvang" just as a simplified pronounciation guide.

    Can someone explain why at 5:01 u cant move the rook to f7 and capture the queen?

    at 5:00 the rook and slide a check to the king opening a attack to the queen with the bishop and since the king protects the rook black will win

    ARRRRRRRRR!:/β˜ οΈπŸ’€β˜ οΈπŸ’€

    Next episode of puzzles should be doing a puzzle to escape sphynx

    I like the story, I'm just really wondering hard here: what kind of world is this that everybody seems to have an excellent chess puzzle on their sleeves to throw at people right off the batch??? Even sea creatures???? I thought it would be pretty hard to play underwater o.o

    Just joking, it's a nice way to present the puzzles. Thanks for the creativity and also WOW a real map, wasn't expecting that!

    Bobby the fisherman should stop fishing and should play the tournament instead

    I'm really loving the story, and the size of the map makes me feel like this is going to be a long epic saga.
    Who drew the map, by the way? It's beautiful.

    The chess cinematic universe

    u are presenting it
    means white wins

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