The Pirate’s Chess Puzzle – Episode 4

Puzzle FEN:
rN3k2/8/1P3K2/2P5/8/3b4/8/8 w – – 0 1

Puzzle Details:
Iriarte, 1957

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0:00 – Fisherman Lore
1:06 – Chess Puzzle
8:22 – More Fisherman Lore

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%1$ Comments145

    Your storytelling is so good!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘

    You are a preety good story teller. You teach us chess from stories, making it fun. Thank you

    Episode 5 : The fishermen was actually Bobby Fischer.

    The previous puzzles were just puzzles, but this is a chess puzzle hidden in a story! Great for younger audience!

    5:00 I have a question. When pawn promotes on c8 to a queen, can rook go to f7 discovered attack on the queen and the rook is protected by the king, so when the king moves out of check, the bishop takes the queen? just curious.

    5:00 this is a draw black isn't in trouble he has a discovered attack with check so the queen is a goner

    My first guess was actually b7 and I was actually right

    This man shoulda been makin Putt-Putt games lol

    4:53 isnโ€™t there a check with a discovered attack on the queen??

    5:00 their is a check with the rook and a discovered attack on the queen.

    Nelson you forgot that in 4:56 minutes when black rook takes on b7 pawn c7 pawn promotes but the black rook can give a check on f7 then it will be a discovered attack on the white queen and black will ultimately win the game

    Episode 6: of the fisherman โคโคโค๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜…

    at 4:56, can't black just take the b pawn with the bishop? It stops the threat of dual promotion and also defends the c8 square so that white can't promote there

    Please, someone, make a film about the adventures of Bobby Fisherman!

    I'm proud of myself for finding the right moves lol

    Please keep this series going! Looking forward to seeing what kind of trouble the fisherman gets himself into (and hopefully out of) next time.
    The playlist is missing the first story, it has 2, 3 and 4 but one is unavailable for me.

    5:00 you are wrong, becuze black can play rock to b6 check, and fork the king and kween, and get a drow

    Came for the chess, stayed for the pirates story :o)

    Nelson I think your wrong 5:00 when the pawn promotes to the queen we can put the rook on f7 and it's a discover check and black wins

    It's nice to know pirates are so civilized that they play chess

    Telling a story with a suspense as a puzzle is being solved really shows how creative you are in getting your viewers' attention. You always come up with something new and different from your regular videos. Thumbs up Nelson

    This is phenomenal Nelson. Keep the stories coming!

    5:01 is an loss for white since thereโ€™s an check on lane 6 with an threat to the queen

    Oh no! I thought the zugzwang with knight Vs rook was reciprocal and I missed the kg6 way to pass the move to hin

    the puzzle islands is an actual location in canada, near vancouver island. there are also more puzzle islands near the antarctic peninsula.

    Maybe I'm wrong, but if the rook takes the white pawn at b8 then that would put the white king in check and then the king would have to move farther away from its own pawn, and black captures the remaining pawn in a couple of moves. I'm surprised nobody caught this.

    But in 5:01 have a discovered check with rf7 and black is winning

    4:59 What stops black from playing Rf7+? Because regardless the next move would be Bxc8

    Actually it is a way for black ;)at 5:00 you have a discovery attack of the black rook attacking white queen with bishop, by Rf7+, and after white move the King, you grab the queen

    in the position o f 5:30 cant night and king together block the bishop in few moves and then promotess

    Love your chess videos!! โคโค

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