THE ROOOOOOK #chess #checkmate

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    Missed Mate In three
    Explanation:After Kc1 Ra8 Qd3 pawn takes on d3 . Now QC2# or Ra1#

    Rook for a pawn and more importantly the WIN!!!😁


    Watching your vids helps me keep up the good work

    Was wondering why intermezzo was pronounced so well…Keep it up

    Ended with a bing bang boom. Without saying she did a bing bang boom.

    What about knight to c6 attacking your Qeen

    Levy would just pre move it just to look cool🗿

    Im pretty sure nothing was guarding c3 at the start

    Why doesn’t white just take the pawn with the bishop?

    Why doesn’t white just take the pawn with the bishop?

    Why doesn’t white just take the pawn with the bishop?

    Why couldn't you just take knight eith check?

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