The SECRET To Stop Blundering Your Pieces In Chess

In this video I explain a method to stop blundering your pieces in chess. I use it all the time, and I think everyone else should too, especially in the lower ratings. This is episode 2 of my speedrun to 2000 and in this episode I’m rated 500. Hope you enjoy the video 🙂

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%1$ Comments516

    El mejor video para patzers de toda la web!!! Genia explicando

    I appreciate all these lvl 400s who had to face Anna for the sake of science x)

    this is the best chess lesson ive ever had in my life.

    2:09 i feel like u should’ve moved ur bishop back a square to open up the rooks file

    Thanks, Anna. A retired teacher started a chess club at my school and asked me to help out. I have not played since I was a kid, and I never got past the novice stage. I want to be able to do more than just wish the students luck.

    Thank you, I just won 4 games straight and ranked up over 100 points after watching this video. The last game and the strongest opponent resigned after only 2 minutes a 3 blunders. lol. That was fun! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    I'm a simple man. The last time I played chess was about 10 years ago, but I see a screenshot of a beautiful woman explaining it, and here I am learning how to stop blundering my pieces!

    How the hell is time being added to the clock??

    That "500" player is clearly sandbagging. Anna is a chess master, no way a 500 novice would make such a solid stand against her.

    lol. If you place your peaces always defended you will never reach a higher level.

    Oh no, I love blundering. I love blundering so much I fall to 600 elo then have to play against scholars mate (even as white) and I get to 800 and wanna pull my hair out because I love it so much.

    I think I've just learnt more about the strategy of chess in this video than in 53 years since I first learnt the game

    Thanks, this was really helpful for a beginner like myself 😊

    This was VERY helpful! Wow; you're a great teacher! Thank you, Ms. Anna.

    This girl rocks 😎,she's actually really good at explaining the game,brilliant 👍

    I appreciate your videos, but personally, I find it vulgar to play with a clock, I think time is a weapon as well, the Samurai Musashi used it to win a duel against an opponent who was purportedly the greatest of all time.( He frustrated him by arriving to the contest, fashionably late )

    Not gonna lie I clicked cuz this chick was was pretty, but by the end I was taking notes ✍️

    Epona Dreams - Shamanic Meditation Music says:

    I did a study of this years ago over 10ks of games and most blunders happen between moves 14 +20 even up to Fide 2000 level. There was usually 1 or 2 blunders at this time. And hardly anyone recovered from their initial blunder.

    I love when you went "drum beat motion" when saying "exchange some pawns"

    I don't know about the rest of you men but I watch her videos SOLELY for the chess info. LOL. Even if I was Magnus Carlson I'd lose to her because I couldn't keep my eyes or my mind on the board. Great video, Anna!

    The reason I keep losing my pieces is because I like to play give-away, where losing is winning. It's a much more challenging and interesting game if both you and your opponent must try to lose.

    didnt realise chess players could be this Hot.

    your supposed to throw all your pieces AWAY! and lose every game u PLAY!

    I can't pay attention to the video, your mouth is way too wide. My god, I've never seen a mouth this wide.

    It´s always a treat watching someone who loves what they do, explain what and why they are doing something. Even though i dont really play chess 🙂

    I always place my queen on a square I was about to defend when it gets taken.

    "Shenanigans" is the word you were looking for. Thanks for this video!

    do beginners know how to play or defend against the London???

    Really good video for me as a beginner chess player. Did actually learn so much from this game. Thank you! <3

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