The Time Hans Beat Hikaru
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I don't know about you guys, but I think Hikaru lost his mind
Guys.. Guys… Guys…..
I think he lost his mind😔
It seems like Hikaru has lost something but I am not sure what.
Could've a2 protect the queen?
Missed the wee fork did you lad haha 😂😂 sad times
Can I just ask….. why didn’t you take the hanging knight on d5 with the rook ….. and his rook is pinned to the queen so he can’t take? …..
Bro just raged in lowercase 💀
Meanwhile Hans' asscheeks vibrating at light speed:
Hikaru lost his mind while Hans found his beads
Accurate 100% 🤔🤔
Hans’ chess speaks for itself
in turn making Hikaru speak to himself.
I think he lost his mind
Hikaru why did not you take the knight with your rook
Hikaru demands a cavity search
Why you don t move rd4???
Why didn't he take the knight with his rook after he saw the queen?
Hans really had it in him!
Why not just take the knight with the rook?
1.Rd4 Qg5 2.Nd5 Qc1 3.Rd1 still playable?
Those who don't understand hikaru blundered after that bishop move if opponent take rook on d1 he will get a free queen
the Qg5 threat after Nxd4 isn't bad for white, but everything after Hikaru goes Bf3 is bad for white
Please someone explain to me that how hikaru lost 😢
Am I not seeing what's wrong with taking knight with rook? Free queen?
Magnus and hikaru morphing into one entity with that ayeyeyei
Hikaru is still one of the best of the best. It's just one game. I like Hikaru in front of the camera he is very entertaining as a streamer.❤
the move Qg5 speaks for itself
Hikaru lost his mind, while Hans lost his beads.
Hans was really feelin the vibrations
this is what it's like to play against Hans…
Got fossilized
Is Hikaru lost his mind? I'm not sure.
When was this match?
You can't beat stockbeads
i wonder if he lost his mind
I think people underestimate Hans a little too much
I don't get it. If he takes the knight with the pawn G5s entry is blocked by the bishop?
It takes as much of my brain to conceive of their superhuman abilities as they use for chess
If that makes sense. As much as their brain as they are using for chess, it takes that much of my brain just to try to accept their capabilities as humanly possible.
Am i seriously the only one that doesn't see the exact issue?…
I dont get it why not take the knight with rook
If rook takes back you get the queen
And he has no checks
I think he's lost his mind
Hans was satisfied with this one
Was this match recent?
after a bit of thinking, I wonder what happens if we try to sac the knight on D5, but there is knight takes E2 check intermediate move and then rook takes D5…
so to allow knight sac, can we play king F1?
how does black win after king F1?
The Time Hans Beads Hikaru
Super GMs didn't waste time for H3/H7 and then get double check mate threat with the classic back rank 😡
I think he lost his mind
"i didnt even see queen…" Me every other bullet game
Very sus..
He just lost his mind
What a tragedy to lose to Hans! 😂😂😂😂