The Time Hans Beat Hikaru


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    neither hans saw Qg5, he didn't know what stockfish line is

    If you take with rook d4, the queen will move to g5 threatening checkmate on g1. So you have to defend that, at which point the queen will take rook c1 with check

    Does rook takes knight on d4 works ??

    I feel like that in 95 per cent of my games.

    Was Rd4 better than Bg4? 😮😮😮

    I really felt the "Ai Ai Ai"

    rook takes knight would be winning for white though? or am i mistaken

    What is it cannot se what's there after rxd4

    Can someone explain to me why he didn't take the knight then the rook?

    Why didn't he take the knight with the rook? If he did the rook can't take cause queen would be hanging

    Y he didn't take the knight with the rook?

    Why didn’t he just take the knight with the rook on d1

    "Hans must have worked his ass of to reach this far!" 💀

    Not sure why you can't take knight with rook

    i fail to see why he resigned, rook d4 to capture knight, black can't recapture.. and if black goes q g5.. he can just double rooks

    well i was i wrong.. qg5 leads to mate in 1..

    I think that was the biggest Hikaru blunder we’ve nearly ever seen I mean that’s just sad

    Can someone explain why rxd4 is losing?

    I'm not a pro but why did he move the bishop? I'm playing it in my head. He could've captured the knight.

    I’m not clever than him but why he didn’t took rook d6 ?

    Why didn't he take the knight with his rook? The white can't take it back with the rook because it is pinned to his Queen, did I miss anything?

    Couldn't you have taken the knight with the rook on d4 in the beginning?

    I dont get it, why is hikaru need to move his bishop? Why dont just rook takes knight? 😅

    bro u could take the knight w ur rook if he takes w rook u take his queen else u win a knight

    Rook takes horse🤔 black rook pined, horse its no defended

    Am I missing something? Instead of bishop g4, Hikaru should played rook takes the knight on d4. Hans cannot take the took back because he loses his queen. Then if Hans plays queen g5, the same rook simply blocks the queen by moving to g4.

    Rook takes knight rook is pinned other wise queen gone I think. I didn't understand much

    Instead of moving the bishop he should have killed the knight with his rook

    He could have just taken the knight rook is pinned to unprotected queen

    I don't know hikaru is loosing. Can someone explain?

    Bishop takes Knight,his Bishop takes your Bishop,your rook takes his rook,with your queen covering your rook,game on for you,I think he would of lost the game

    Me with my mediocre mind: Just eat the damn knight with the rook!

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