The Worst Chess Game Mathematically Possible
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Stock fish depth = -18
Seeing the 3 knights lined up was possibly the most cursed chess thing I’ve ever seen in my life
The eval bar, OMG, had some fits….
I think the right rules to make an actual game would be… 'Do the move that would give you the least advantage if the other side skipped a turn. If it's not possible to get any advantage, do your best move under 0 points of advantage'. I expect such games would all be draw if let run, but I think it would be interesting to see the results
Now I wanna know what a game of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th best moves looks like.
is frank good in blits ??
Levy here is an idea for you. Instead of brilliant move. Make a new category.
Brilliant -> moranic
Excellent ->terrible
Best -> worst
Good -> bad
Blunder -> restitution
Give your rating to it and sell it as an NFT. Then give me 1% for it please.
"u need to be the best to be the worst"
time to cheat using this engine to speedrun 100 elo
Wouldn’t the worse move be a forcing queen sac? That could’ve definitely happened a bunch of times
Honestly looking at this game I just see a generic 400 game.
do a video where stock fish plays stock fish but the stock fish bot randomly plays either the best or worst move.
you can also commit king and queen fork
accuracy = -1
also wth is the mate in 40 at 15:15
My buddy Eric had a game like this one time
The fact that Stockfish was making plans in order to blunder pieces hahaha
Me going over the games I played when I was 5:
Wait what are you sure you didn’t just take one of my games?
The mate in 27 with the three knights is the greatest thing stockfish has provided anyone ever
Mate we've spoken about this time and time again. You can't keep showing my games without my consent like this. Then giving credit to to stockfish? 😂
POV me playing chess
WILD – A wild game – and you came out on top!
Still not as bad as a blunder I made in my chess class where I moved my king into a position where my opponent could discover checkmate
First time i comment on your channel, but this thumbnail is unforgivable! I also took mushrooms tonight
Bro took a perfect game of chess is a tie to a new level
"are you still watching" me on snapchat
hmm. Ur engine might be broken like mine because that's the eval every game I play.
got the eval playing tennis
14:31 Levy can commentate a chess game and notice there’s a spider on the wall at the same time thats just how good he is
Why is bad chess doing better than good chess all of a sudden
The bar was LITERALLY experiencing the waves💀
BM Samay Raina did something similar long time back when he asked GMs to guess the worst move in a position:
Yeah, seems unfair that you didn’t make them play the worst in the end game. I wanted the draw because we know it doesn’t matter if you’re playing to win or loose, chess is a draw.
Sir please answer . Shall I play LONDON SYSTEM in Chess Competition
Sir shall i play London system in my chess competition
If the goal for both players is to make the worst move possible, then wouldn't it be beneficial for one player to blunder their queen with a king check that forces the opponent to take their queen?
This man knows when im not watching i literally went to another tab for like 5 seconds and then hes says this 9:41 this man is really a one of a kind
We would like to see the graph
Sir there is a chess competition. Sir may I play London system .
martin in a nutshell
4:50 should’ve played qd4 for white forcing black to take the queen
Okay, but no one’s talking about how it was mate in 40 15:23
took about 15 seconds to find the mate at 6:02 so ig not exactly virtually unfindable but still difficult.
The worst possible move would be sacrificing your king like Vidit gujarathi
I wonder how this would change if stockfish "knew" it's opponent was also playing the worst move. Also, I feel like there are other issues with this. For example, sometimes the best move is actually the worst move if you don't follow it up with the correct sequence of moves. It will still be evaluated as the best move by stockfish but there are plenty of opportunities to force material losses by going down a mate in X line, but not actually finishing up with mate.
this is like two asians trying to pay the bill
Anyone who watches Levy's content on 1.5x speed is going to need an epilepsy warning for that eval bar. 😮
This is literally what we look like to stockfish. I do my game reviews and get shamed
now this is 0 elo chess.
« Oh there’s a spider on my wall «