The Worst Chess Game Mathematically Possible

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%1$ Comments634

    I really wanna know what's the accuracy rate of this game for both sides.

    I think white was on some shenanigans how coke black was the only one giving up mate in 1? I think white was playing badly but not as badly 😂

    I need to do puzzles couldn't find that checkmate in what 10 moves

    Chess bots are even better at being bad than humans.

    elo=-infinity=drunk -99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999……………………………………………………………………………………….. elo

    I wonder if knowing your opponent will try to play for loss there would be "better" moves for you to prevent that.

    What I mean is:
    Let's say your worst move puts you at -10, but then your opponent has a move that puts you at +20.
    And instead you could make a move that puts you at only -5, but then your opponent's worst move would only leave you at +10.

    My teacher put u in our class. We were all laughing at your jokes and wincing or oohing at the game. Thanks for your content Gotham chess!

    I like how it’s playing the worst moves and still taking pieces

    random but lowkey curious if levy would ever turn towards other content in the future. vlogs, other games, etc. ik theres no need for it, and i wouldnt push for it either, but it’s interesting to imagine.

    We should've gotten the three knights version

    just a fact 100elo players also cried after watching this game

    Levi & Stockfish: It's the worst possible move on board
    le me: Proving them wrong🐵

    "Oh there's a spider on my wall" got me 💀

    Wow. As in normal chess, bc White goes first, White has the advantage in giving up checkmate (Mate in 1s) ….. first.

    At 4:55 Qd4 would force the black king to take the queen, no? I think it's not fully optimized because Stockfish still calculates what the worst move is if the opponent is trying to win, which would lose the queen anyway so it sees no need to force it.

    Ah yes typical 100 elo game at it's finest 😂

    Trying to get to 100 subs with no videos says:

    Bros faming chess for views💀

    The worst first move possible could be Nh3

    i remember when you said you don't want laser surgery to your eye i understand because some one in finland got half blind for 1 month after the surgery

    Could the computer force itself to be checkmated if it was playing against me and I was also trying to play the worst possible move?

    now do one where it's regular stockfish versus anti stockfish

    I wonder if those are actually the worst moves considering that both bots "play to lose".
    What I mean is that the moves are calculated based on the fact that the opponent will try to win but if you know that the opponent is trying to lose as well maybe the worst moves are different.
    For example, forcing your opponent to take one of your piece (because of check and no way to block/escape so opponent has to take the piece) while the worst move would be to hang your queen or mate.

    I need that game review and it is actually what my friends play chess

    I though if you wanted to lose you'd just resign,,, don't know why you need an AI to do it for you,,,,,,

    15:19 Everyone saw that obvious mate in 40.. Right?

    This makes me feel better about getting mated in a few moves the other day lol

    I’m not sure but I think the engine was programmed to play the worst possible move.

    Now I would like to see a game of random moves.

    The issue with this strategy is that stock fish is calculating the worst move assuming that the opponent plays the best move. it was possible to forcibly sacrifice pieces for nothing in a few positions which would be truly the best "worst" move since they are forced to take a piece

    It was bad enough that no human could ever beat stockfish. Now we can't even lose to it if we tried

    But I thought a perfect game always ends in a draw?!

    real proof that even when chess is played perfectly, it is not a draw

    "now you get out of here"
    1 second later: "dO yOu WaNt To ImPrOve yOur EnGlIsH, tHeN yOu sHud gEt GRAMMARLY"

    someone should make a chess game where you can only take a piece ONCE. after that you cannot anymore

    They should recreate this game starting with the worst move possible until it reaches the best move… if that makes sense.

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