They Added 20 NEW PIECES To Chess! – Ouroboros King

Ouroboros King Part 5 – Ouroboros King is back! It’s a chess roguelike with dozens of new pieces and the ability to upgrade some of them. Now with a ton of new complicated pieces, the game is a lot harder. Starting with the first boss fight, this game becomes a real challenge now. Enjoy!
Edited by: Dan White

#aliensrock #chess #chessgame

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%1$ Comments172

    Edea s an actual fairy piece (chess variant piece) called the amazon

    imagen the blade dancer gets the rlic of able to go to ajsent suers will be un killeble

    8:13 the immortal doesn't trap you here, black would either block with the immortal, or move the king, if the immortal does what we see here the royal guard just takes the king.

    Make a another video fighting all the bosses

    fyi try killling the king first and you instantly win it all depends on the sit

    Maybe a buffed musketeer that moves like a knight templar

    use the fire chick and use the fire chick only the game never ends and it is op

    How do u get these pieces I don't have it while i am playing?

    The nuke piece:literally destroys the entire board when activated

    You could’ve killed Andramada😂 the hole time😂😂😂 with agent *😂😂😂😂😂😂

    that dog really is something special he is so lucky to have you in his life and i love you so much and i hope you have a wonderful day

    Bladedancer and the perm relic that makes your pieces move like a king is literally the best piece in the gameIf enemy has fool its a bit problem but probably thes cant have fool and the relic (king moves relic) in the same time

    11:04 I hate Thabita the deceptive. Luckily she's not home and he's fighting Tabitha the Deceptive instead

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