This is 0 Elo Chess

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%1$ Comments241

    Top ten rappers Eminem was to afraid to diss

    Bro just turned into @packgod💀💀💀

    Who else has gone straight to the comments?

    This was the best game in GTE history 😂😂😂

    Eminem: finally, a worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary

    His voice was hilarious 😂😂😂

    We all deserve a Oscar for watching this 0 elo chess

    What? How the king moved under the bishop attack?

    Levy is the person that Eminem fears to disrespect 💀

    Damn that that rap was ice 🥶🥶🥶❄️❄️

    When someone asks why GothamChess is so famous, I'll show them this clip😂. This is Levi in a nutshell 🤣🤣🤣

    Someone call the paramedics this man is having a stroke

    Almost 10k views trying to figure out another episode of the ROOOOOKS😂❤

    I’m totally confused the king was on f8 and bishop on f6 and the king moved to e8?

    Gotham: 🙈🙊🐒🙈🙉🐵🙉🐵🙉🙈🐵🙈🐵🙉🐵🐒🙈🦧

    Teachers looking at the dumbest kid's answers on their exams

    Bro sounded like he was plotting against their family god parents

    Levy, you going to review the Blitz games, at least the final? Or maybe just to enlighten us on TIME management. Please?

    Levy really doing some startup car engine noises here 😂😂😂

    Bro these low elo kids are playing how to lose in chess it’s so funny seeing these vids, like why does it take you so long to finally take that free rook

    Love it when Gotham goes full dolphin 🐬

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